Dr. Greer's Contract Extended Through 2024-2025 School Year
Dear CPS Community,

The Cambridge School Committee is pleased to announce it has extended a
contract with Dr. Greer for the role of Superintendent of the Cambridge Public Schools through June 30, 2025. Since returning to the District on July 1, 2021, Dr. Greer has demonstrated leadership at a critically important time for our students, staff, and community. She is committed to developing systems and programs designed to assess and remediate the pandemic's effects on instruction, student mental health, and student achievement, and to achieving long term District goals.
Over the past several months, Dr. Greer worked on several important initiatives including developing the fiscal year 2023 budget, developing a district plan, successfully negotiating our teachers’ contract, finding transportation to afterschool programs, helping with hardship requests, and much more.
We are ready for Dr. Greer to continue to lead for the next three years, bringing much needed stability as we move forward from the pandemic and a consistent and ambitious plan for the future of the district. The School Committee thanks Dr. Greer for all her work so far. We look forward to our continued partnership as we collaborate to prepare our students for success.
Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Chair
Cambridge School Committee