
Department of Multilingual Learner Education

The Department of Multilingual Learner Education (MLL) serves the educational needs of culturally and linguistically diverse student populations. The department's goal is to empower the district’s 500+ English Learners (ELs) with the academic English language skills to meaningfully participate in the Preschool-12 general education curricula as well as ensure equitable access to opportunities that promote language acquisition in the greater school community. Additionally, for our dual language learners, the department strives to recognize and develop the linguistic proficiencies of our ELs in the partner languages of Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin.

The department oversees English language acquisition programs, which include English as a Second Language (ESL) Instruction and Sheltered English Immersion Programs (SEI). English language instruction is tailored to the specific linguistic, cultural, and educational needs of multilingual learner students in our programs. The department also supports the dual language programs in the district, which include: the K-8 Mandarin Immersion Program, the K-8 Portuguese Immersion Program and the Amigos K-8 Spanish School.

The department served 460+ MLLs and monitored approximately 480 Former English Learners (FELs). The department also manages the Limited English Proficiency Support (Title III) grant, which supports MLL summer school programs, ESL classes for parents, and MLL professional development.

We provide a a variety of instructional programs across all schools in the district.
Our main goals are to:

  • Provide high quality language instruction using culturally and linguistically responsive materials and approaches;
  • Prepare our students for academic success and careers in the 21st century by developing academic language skills, community building, and analytical thinking through rigorous standards-based curricula; and
  • Advocate for equal access to educational opportunities and supports for multilingual learners and their families.
Dual Language
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International Center at CRLS
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Location & Contact Information
Department of Multilingual Learner Education
135 Berkshire Street, Cambridge, MA
phone 617.349.6468
Director: Beth Kershner
Clerk: Eunmin Kim

SEI Teacher in Charge: Rejane Castro
CRLS SEI & International Center Teacher in Charge: Vera Duarte
EL Instructional Coach: Debbie Lee
EL Teacher in Charge: Carlos Loredo
Dual Language Teacher Leader: Maureen Hughes

SEI and ESL Staff Directory >>
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