Center for Artistry and Scholarship
The Center for Artistry and Scholarship (CAS) is a nonprofit that fosters and mobilizes creative, arts-immersed schools, where students are making and doing, teachers are asking how and why, and schools are engaged in their community.
Read about our Design Fellow Partnership >>
Read about 2017 Reflections >>

Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time Initiative
The mission of the Agenda for Children is to convene, catalyze and support the youth serving community of Cambridge for the shared purpose of increasing equity, access and innovation and sustaining the highest quality out of school time opportunities and experiences for all children, youth and family.

Young People's Project
YPP uses Math Literacy Work to develop the abilities of elementary through high school students to succeed in school and in life, and in doing so involves them in efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles to their success. YPP envisions a day when every young person — regardless of ethnicity, gender, or class — has access to a high quality education and the skills, attributes, and community support s/he needs to successfully meet the challenges of their generation