Food and Nutrition Services

The Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Department provides students with scratch-cooked, high quality meals using local, wholesome ingredients to ensure they are well nourished and ready to learn.

School Meals are Free for the 2024-2025 School Year

We are excited to share that all Cambridge Public Schools will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) this year. As a CEP district, all students will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge, regardless of household income, eliminating the need for free and reduced meal applications.

See public media release >>

What to know about School Meals and Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

What is the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)?
The Community Eligibility Provision is an equity-based federal reimbursement program for the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. CEP allows the district to serve all students complete meals at no cost regardless of household income.

What does CEP mean for my student(s)?
All students will continue to receive a complete breakfast and lunch at no cost.

What is a complete meal?
A complete meal must include a fruit or vegetable, and two other items: the choice of meat, grain, milk, fruit or vegetable. Students can decline two of the five items at lunch but must have a fruit or vegetable. Students can decline one item at breakfast but need to have a fruit or vegetable on their tray.

Do I have to fill out a Free and Reduced Meals Application?
No, as a district participating in CEP we no longer accept meal applications. FNS can no longer supply income eligibility letters. Please reach out to your family liaison for other forms of income eligibility.

Serve Meals Safely

Food Services

Opt-out from 100% Fruit Juice and Chocolate milk



Chef Station
Pasta Station
Media Cafe

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Location & Contact Info

The Food and Nutrition Services Department is located at:

Kennedy-Longfellow School
158 Spring Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
Fax: 617.349.6861

Anthony Grein, Interim Director & Business Manager
Amanda Rivera-Beauchamp, Communications & Engagement Specialist 
Dyavana Howard, Clerk Specialist

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