Welcome Back from the Superintendent 2014-15

September, 2014

Dear CPS Community,

Welcome to the new school year! I hope that you and yours enjoyed some relaxing and fun times with family and friends this summer and that you and your children are now ready to join with our faculty and staff to make 2014/15 an outstanding and memorable year. During my tour of all of our schools on September 2, I observed staff and students who are excited to be back and I know that their enthusiasm and optimism will continue and grow in the days ahead.

I do believe that when people write the history of education in the U.S., they will look back at this period as a time of tremendous, and somewhat tumultuous, change. Everyone who works in schools is being asked to do our job in a different way. We all are learning new skills, and we all want our students to achieve academically, evolve socially, and grow into full human beings. As educators, we strive for balance between opening ourselves up to learning and doing better (exactly what we ask of our students, by the way) and taking ownership for and pride in what happens in our schools.

The path to navigating these challenges, I believe, involves strengthening our own educational community. I have the utmost confidence in our faculty and staff and trust their intentions for the young people in our city. My personal goal this year is to spend more time with them in our schools so I can better understand how I can support their work.

The other major component in realizing success is school for all students involves family engagement. We firmly believe that when schools and families work in partnership, in an open, honest and non-defensive posture, that students will reap the benefits of that relationship. In a word, we need your help and are making this direct appeal to you to become an active member of your school community. It starts with the basics, so please complete all the required forms you receive from the school, and then we can go from there to reach even higher levels of effective family involvement.

Together, we can do this. We can make Cambridge Public Schools the best place to educate ALL children. Please join us on our journey toward academic excellence and social justice. Cambridge kids are counting on us.

Again, welcome back. I look forward to seeing you around school this year,


Jeffrey M. Young
Superintendent of Schools
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