
The Office for Sustainability was created in FY2010 with a Sustainability Manager, to assist in the implementation of sustainable building practices, green cleaning technologies, and waste reduction strategies.

The Cambridge Green Schools Initiative (CGSI), launched in FY12, aims to reduce the district’s energy usage by at least 2%, by engaging school building occupants, including students, teachers, families, staff, administrators, custodians, and visitors, in behavioral changes that support daily sustainable practices in all classroom and office spaces. The initiative is based upon the PFEWG™ model for sustainability that encompasses all operations in the categories of Products, Food, Energy, Waste and Green-space.

The Office for Sustainability also works in partnership with the City of Cambridge Department of Public Works to implement district-wide energy saving projects. Since FY 2009, the City has invested more than $1 million in lighting retrofit projects, boiler replacements, HVAC upgrades, and digital energy management systems, known as Direct Digital Control (DDC), which have reduced the amount of electricity, natural gas and fuel oil that school buildings consume. City funds of $315K and grant and rebate/incentives of $760K supported these projects. The City estimates an annual savings of approximately $200K as a result of these projects.

Learn more:
Visit our Office for Sustainability homepage >>
View a list of energy efficiency projects >>
Visit the new MLK School homepage >>

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