Message from Superintendent Greer: June 6, 2022

Message from Superintendent Greer: June 6, 2022
Posted on 06/06/2022

At tomorrow’s School Committee meeting, we will share an update on the District Plan, which will include the proposed Mission, Vision, and Core Values and an ongoing discussion about the student outcomes we strive to improve and the data we will use to measure our progress. Our English Language Arts Department will also present an update.


As a reminder, please consider joining one of the four working groups that will collaborate over the next two months to support our District Planning efforts. We need your support in this important work–apply by this Wednesday! See below for a detailed update on where we are in the process.


Please join us tomorrow for a meet-and-greet with the final two candidates for the Executive Director of the Rindge School of Technical Arts (RSTA). The event will be in the Media Cafeteria at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m


Thank you for your engagement and continued support.


Make it Great!


Dr. Victoria L. Greer

Proposed Statement of Vision, Mission, and Core Values

The foundation of the 2022-2025 District Plan are the Vision, Mission, and Core Values statements that describe our aspirations for the future and our commitments to each other.I am excited to share the updated version, which reflects multiple phases of input from students, staff, families, and partners, and makes a strong statement about the future of CPS. I look forward to discussing this at tomorrow’s School Committee meeting.


We are still recruiting members of our community for our focused working groups that will, over the next two months, review existing data, findings, and commitments, and provide recommendations to the administration on strategic initiatives, including priorities, sequencing, conditions for success, and interdependencies.


Please consider joining by expressing your interest by this Wednesday, 7PM.

Key Dates:

  • Wednesday, June 8: Deadline to express interest
  • By Thursday, June 9: Working Groups finalized
  • Monday, June 13: 9AM - 3PM: Meeting 1 (virtual)*
  • Thursday, June 30: 9AM - 3PM: Meeting 2 (virtual)
  • Thursday, July 14: 9AM - 11AM: Meeting 3 (virtual)
  • Tuesday, August 9: School Committee meeting to review

*Note: Participants will be offered a stipend for participation. Participating educators will be supported with an SOA day. Questions? Contact [email protected].

Become a Cambridge Police Cadet - Applications Due June 30!

The Cambridge Police Department is recruiting for its next Cadet class! The program is designed for Cambridge residents between the ages of 18 - 23 years old who are interested in learning more about or want to pursue a career in law enforcement. Fun fact… the last class was made up completely of CRLS graduates!




For more information, click here.

Summer Learning 2022


CPS’ robust Summer Program offers students enriching learning experiences, while centering their health and well-being, cultivating relationships and prioritizing equity.

  • Monday, July 11 to Friday, August 5.
  • To learn more about the programs, click here.

DHSP Now Accepting Applications for 2022-2023 Afterschool Programs

The Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) is accepting applications for their 2022-2023 Community Schools and Cambridge Youth Programs (CYP) Afterschool Program Lotteries!

  • Programs run from September 2022 – June 2023. Program cost is based on family income
  • Community Schools Afterschool Programs are open to Cambridge children entering Junior Kindergarten – 5th grade in September 2022. Learn more and apply –
  • CYP Pre-Teen / Middle School Programs are open to Cambridge children entering 4th – 8th grade in September 2022. Tuition is free for middle schoolers! Learn more and apply –

This new timeline and lottery application process allows DHSP staff to let families know about their children’s afterschool placements in the beginning of summer, giving families more time to plan before school starts in September.


If you have questions, you can contact DHSP at 617-349-6200 or [email protected].

ParentSquare Coming in August!

Just a reminder to keep an eye out for more information on ParentSquare over the summer! With ParentSquare, you will receive updates from your child’s school and us…right to the palm of your hand…in your preferred language!


Look for an email in August to register and download the free ParentSquare app! As we approach the launch, we will share resources to help you use the new platform. Staff will be available to answer questions.


Interested to learn more now? Watch this video, which provides an overview of the platform.

Registration for Fall Athletics is Open!


Registration for Fall Athletics is open and will close on Tuesday, August 16.

  • For a registration checklist, click here.
  • Fall Sports Information Night for Families of Rising 9th Graders

To register for fall sports, click here.

COVID Updates

Following ongoing discussions with the Cambridge Public Health Department and the Health, Safety, and Facilities Working Group, we continue to review and update our COVID protocols to reflect current conditions. As updates are made, we will notify the CPS community in a timely manner.

**Please note that these updates are subject to further changes as conditions evolve.**

UPDATED CPS COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine Protocols

We have revised our testing and quarantine PROTOCOLS to align with the updates released by the state at the end of May. The updated protocols are effective immediately.

Mask Advisory


Our mask advisory remains in place and we strongly encourage our entire school community to mask, particularly when we are indoors. Please note that we are NOT reinstating a requirement but advising mask use based on current data. We will continue to monitor the trends and make determinations based on the data and in collaboration with the Cambridge Public Health Department.

Caught Doing Good

Haggerty Chorus Performs at Neville Place


Haggerty School’s chorus recently performed at Neville Place Assisted Living. They sang their 9-song set a cappella for the residents, who loved the performance! Following the performance, the students thanked them for coming. We are incredibly proud of them!


Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your

“Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].

Featured Events

Mayor Siddiqui and Superintendent Greer to Participate in CCF Equity in

Education Panel

Equity in education is a community responsibility. Join Mayor Siddiqui and Superintendent

Greer as they engage in this critical conversation with other education leaders from across

the state.

Wednesday, June 8 | 6PM

Starlight Square
Register for a free ticket

1st Ever Community Pride Day


The FIRST EVER CPS Community Pride Day will bring together Cambridge students, families, educators and community members to celebrate queerness, queer identities and the LGBTQIA+ community. Come celebrate pride with the Cambridge community!



  • Special Guest: Ericka Hart
  • Workshops for students grades 6-12
  • Free LGBTQ books at book fair
  • Snacks will be provided.
  • Decorate a flag cookie

Friday, June 10 | 3:30 - 6:30PM

Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 459 Broadway

Vassal Lane Presents Stories of Persecution and Perseverance


The 7th graders at the Vassal Lane Upper School invite you to attend a curriculum as a culmination to a

semester of research. Students will be performing original monologues as the people they have researched

during the Stories of Persecution and Perseverance unit of study.


Wednesday June 15 | 6:00 - 8:30PM

The event will be held at the school, located at 158 Spring Street.


*Student performances are scheduled throughout the evening. You are welcome to attend the event at any

time, for any length of time to catch performances.

Advanced Learning Webinar



Join Interim Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Dr. Barbara Mullen, and LeadTeacher of

Advanced Learning, Molly Singh, for an update on Advanced Learning. Thesession will be recorded for

anyone unable to join the webinar.


Thursday, June 16 | 6 - 7PM | Virtual

Register here

Is My Child Ready for Howard or Harvard: Parent Workshop


Sponsored by the Cambridge Black Pastors Alliance and CPS, come and learn about useful strategies, tips, and resources.


Thursday, June 16 | 6:30 - 7:30PM | Virtual

Register here

School Calendar

CPS 2021-22 School Calendar

CPS 2022-23 School Calendar


All Schools and Admin Offices Closed:

  • Monday, June 20 | Juneteenth (Observed)

Last Day of School-Early Release for All Grades

  • Wednesday, June 29

In Case You Missed It: Key Resources

2022-23 JK/K Registration: The lottery is closed for the 2022-23 school year; If you are interested in registering your child, visit our registration webpage for more information.

June Lunch Menu: Week 2 (June 6 - June 10)

UPDATED COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols

COVID-19 Testing/At-Home Weekly Testing Forms: Log in to the Family Portal

Free Internet for Qualifying Families: Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program

Pictures of the Week

PAUS Celebrates 10 Years!


Last Thursday, Putnam Avenue Upper School students, caregivers, community members, alumni students and teachers, and incoming 6th graders came together for an evening of festivities! The night was a showcase of student work and achievement, meeting with teachers and staff, and music, food, games and activities. Our students performed a traditional Chinese Fan Dance and the school chorus performed a wonderful rendition of Lean on me.


We are so proud of the PAUS community, and are excited for the next 10 years to come!


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