Message from Superintendent Greer: November 8, 2021

Message from Superintendent Greer: November 8, 2021
Posted on 11/08/2021
greer videoGreetings CPS Community!

As I mentioned in this week’s video message, today marks my 90th day with you as Interim Superintendent. It has been a busy and exciting few months and I am looking forward to a conversation with the School Committee on Tuesday, November 9 regarding my work performance.

We are pleased to announce that our Student Vaccination Portal will open at 5 p.m. today! This portal will allow families to conveniently upload their student’s proof of vaccination or request for an exemption. For more details go to

We encourage students, families and the community-at-large to participate in the Department of Public Health’s upcoming COVID-19 and flu clinics (November 10 and December 1 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the King Open School). Check out this wonderful video from CRLS students encouraging our community to get vaccinated.

As the Thanksgiving holiday and winter break are approaching, please review CPS’ updated COVID-19 travel policy below.

Please be reminded that in observance of Veterans Day, all schools and district offices will be closed this Thursday, November 11.

Make it Great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
Cambridge Public Schools

COVID Questions of the Week
See the full FAQ about student vaccinations here.

What is CPS’ position on vaccines for children ages 5 - 11?
CPS is pleased that the CDC has approved vaccinations for this age group and strongly encourages families to have their eligible children vaccinated. CPS has not yet set a timeline for any vaccination requirement for this age group. Families can access vaccinations through their pediatrician, pharmacies, upcoming vaccination clinics (November 10 and December 1), and through the Vax Finder.

As we approach the holidays, has CPS updated its travel policy?
CPS’ Health, Safety and Facilities Working Group has made some revisions to the district’s travel policy.

--For both vaccinated and unvaccinated students and staff traveling domestically (within the United States), please get tested prior to travel and 3-5 days after your return.
--For those traveling internationally, vaccinated individuals should get tested 3-5 days after return. Unvaccinated individuals should test 3-5 days after travel AND quarantine for 7 days. If unvaccinated individuals are not tested, they should be quarantined for 10 days after travel.

Please see details in the district’s COVID-19 Safety and Facilities Manual.

Will spectators be allowed at high school indoor athletic events and Visual Performing Arts (VPA) performances?
Audience attendance at high school athletic events and VPA performances will be limited to 50% of capacity. Masks are required at all times throughout the building. Where possible, individuals attending an athletic event or performance together should maintain at least 3’ from neighboring groups. No food or beverages are allowed in the event space or adjoining stairways and hallways. Individuals attending events should remain home if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

Student Vaccination Portal OPENS TODAY!
See the full FAQ about student vaccinations here.

CRLS PSA: “Cool People Get Vaccinated”

Beginning today at 5pm, families can upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family PortalAs student privacy is paramount, please do not share this information via email with school staff.

We are excited to launch this portal and believe it will be a convenient tool for our families. A shout out to our talented ICTS team for their immense efforts in designing and building the portal for the CPS community.

As we move into the winter months, please follow CPS’ Transportation Department on Twitter at @cps_buses for real-time bus route updates.

Apply for Child Tax Credit

Deadline Extended: People who make low or no income can sign up for the Child Tax Credit at any time through November 15. Get up to $1800 per child this year.

Apply with Code For America’s new simple sign-up tool. Learn more >>

Eligible individuals could receive up to thousands of dollars:

  • Up to $1800 with the Child Tax Credit per child for this year
  • Access to all 3 three Stimulus Payments for individuals and/or eligible children/ dependents (between $600-$3200 per person) if they did not get them

This money does not count for SNAP, TAFDC, MassHealth, SSI, public housing or most other benefits. If families do not sign up by November 15, they can apply in early 2022.

Caught Doing Good
Last week, students, staff and families joined together for a day of outdoor fun at Kennedy-Longfellow School’s Fall Fest! Thank you to Ilham, Nancy, Rolanda and Principal Gerber for organizing and the whole community for participating!

Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your “Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].

Featured Events

Pfizer and Flu Vaccine Clinics

Students, families and the community-at-large are invited to get a free Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine or booster shot on Wednesday, November 10 and Wednesday, December 1 from 3:30PM to 7:30PM at the King Open School located at 850 Cambridge Street.
**Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged.**
Register >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC): Community Gathering
Tuesday, November 9 | 6:30-8PM
Register >>

English Language Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)
This will be ELPAC’s first meeting of the school year! The council is composed of parents and guardians of students who are or have been identified as English Learners. Among ELPAC’s responsibilities is meeting regularly with school and district leaders to participate in the planning and development of programs to improve educational opportunities for English learners.
Wednesday, November 10 | 5-6PM
CRLS Main Cafeteria, 459 Broadway

The City Wants to Hear From You: Open Space Planning
The Cambridge Community Development Department will be leading an open space planning process in the coming months where it will be examining the city’s open space system through an equity lens to assess priorities. The city’s parks and open spaces play an important role in the quality of community life in Cambridge. The city wants to ensure that changes over time reflect our community’s values and priorities.
Wednesday, November 10 | 6-7:30PM
Register >>

2022-23 JK/K Registration Information Sessions
The JK/K Lottery for the 2022-2023 school year opens on January 3, 2022 and closes promptly at 4PM on January 31, 2022. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points. Please consider attending the next information session to learn more about the process.
Wednesday, November 17 | 6-7PM

CPS 2021-22 School calendar

Monday, November 8 | Student Vaccine Portal Opens
Thursday, November 11 | Schools Closed, Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 17 | Early Release Day: JK-8 Only
Wednesday, November 24 | Early Release Day, All Schools
Thursday, November 25-Friday, November 26 | Schools Closed, Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 28-Monday, December 6 | Hanukkah
Monday, November 29 | Student Vaccination Requirement for CPS Sponsored Afterschool Activities Takes Effect
Sunday, December 26| Kwanzaa Begins
Friday, December 24-Friday, December 31 | Winter Break

In Case You Missed It: Key Resources

Pictures of the Week

pictures of the week
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