Global Strike for Climate

Global Strike for Climate
Posted on 09/19/2019
Good Morning CRLS Community,

On Friday, September 20, 2019, many CRLS students will be participating in the Global Strike for Climate, an international series of events demanding action in the face of climate change. I have communicated with students who are coordinating the event and I am writing to share information about their plans. Students organizers of this CRLS walk-out have planned the following actions on 9/20/19 in support of the Global Strike for Climate:

10:30-10:40 AM: CRLS students leave second block classes to gather outside the main entrance as a band plays music and organizers hand out posters.

10:40-10:45 AM: An overview of the day is given in front of the Main Entrance to the Rindge Building.

10:45-11:00 AM: CRLS students will walk to Harvard Square, with the band playing and climate chants being taught to students as they walk.

11:00 AM -12:00PM: Striking for Climate! There are two options:
• If striking in the Science Center Plaza with Harvard College and the Harvard Graduate School of Design, students will stay at the Science Center Plaza until 12. At 12, the students will proceed to Boston City Hall Plaza with Harvard for the end of the Boston strike. At 1:00 PM, march from Boston City Hall Plaza to the MA Statehouse.

• If immediately striking in Boston, going straight to Boston City Hall Plaza (the closest train stop is Government Center on the Green and Blue line). Stay at Boston City Hall Plaza rally. At 1:00 PM, march from City Hall Plaza to the MA Statehouse.

1:30-2:30 PM: Gather at the MA Statehouse.

Consistent with previous large-scale civil action by CRLS students, our priority will be student safety. CRLS administrators have been in contact with the Cambridge Police department regarding coordination for this event. We will respect students' right to engage in protest around this issue. We will also respect and protect the choice of students who do not want to participate.

As has been the case with previous student civil actions, students will not be excused from their classes to participate without parent/caregiver permission.

Teachers who intend to participate in the demonstration during classes must arrange for coverage for time they are out of class.

I will update the community if there is additional information related to this event.


Principal Smith
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