Green Hero: January 2013

The Green Hero Award given every month is a program of the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative (CGSI), and the honor is given to individuals or groups who are making a significant contribution or impact towards environmental sustainability in the Cambridge Public School District. The honor is given by the school department’s Office for Sustainability.

The Green Hero honor for the month of January 2013 goes to Kristine Jelstrup, a parent at the Amigos School. 


Kristine has lived in Cambridge with her husband and two boys for more than 15 years. As a Natural Health Care Practitioner she has seen the negative effects that a polluted and toxic planet has had on her clients both young and old. As a result, she works hard to keep her clients and family healthy, and also has a passion for doing what she can to keep the planet clean and healthy in her children’s local school environment. Over the past several years, Kristine has extended that passion into her children’s school. 

Kristine partnered with the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative to expand family outreach, and has hosted several screenings of the film “Bag It!” for families. She also helped organize a net-zero waste event at the Amigos School, and is currently assisting in the start-up of a composting program at the Amigos School this spring.

“Kristine is a terrific Mom who is helping to bring sustainability to the Amigos School, as well as other schools. We’re glad to have her energy and enthusiasm, as well as her continued support of various environmental projects within the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative!” said Kristen von Hoffmann, CPSD Sustainability Manager.