Greetings CPS Community!
I hope you had a wonderful first weekend of March.
At tomorrow night’s School Committee meeting, I will provide an update on our efforts to expand the Early College Program to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Office of Academics will also share new information about student learning goals for English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy. I hope you will consider watching live.
While the school year is still in full swing, the Office of Academics & Schools and the City of Cambridge are working hard on summer programming opportunities for your child. You can learn more below about the options available, including eligibility, commitment, and cost.
This week’s issue also features an art contest in support of Women’s History Month, a tribute to a very special group of CPS employees, and why we will have to make room in our trophy case!
Don’t forget that Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 12. This means the days will get longer as we “spring” our clocks forward one hour. On Sunday night, the sun will set at 6:47PM!
Thank you for your continued support.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Summer Programming Options

This month, the Office of Academics & Schools will be sharing information aboutAcademic Support Programs that will be open this summer for students in grades K-8.
These are engaging programs that combine fun, hands-on activities with targeted lessons in math and English Language Arts (ELA) to support students who would benefit from additional learning time.
School leadership refers students to participate in one of these opportunities. You will be notified by the end of March.
This document is a great resource for families to learn about all of the options that are available. It is updated regularly.
The City of Cambridge also offers programming for students who are in JK-8th grade this school year.
Planning for Lockdown Drills
Our Safety & Security team is currently arranging the final planned lockdown drills of this school year. These lockdown drills are likely to take place in mid-to-late March. Please stay tuned for more information from your school’s Principal.
As a reminder, you can find more details about school procedures like this one, in our Information for Families in the Event of a School Emergency.(አማርኛ|عربي|বাংলা|Kreyòl ayisyen|Español)

What We’re Celebrating
National School Social Work Week (March 5-11) is sponsored by the School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) and recognizes the impactful work of school social workers. This year’s theme is “We Rise” to acknowledge that school social workers rise up to support their students, families, and school communities by sharing hope and challenging inequities.
In CPS, our school social workers focus on supporting the “whole child” by supporting social, emotional, and behavioral needs, providing counseling services, connecting families to community resources, and serving as a clinical voice by advocating for our students. A huge thank you to our CPS school social workers, whose support, dedication, and role is integral to student success!

American Montessori Society Visits Tobin
This week, the American Montessori Society(AMS) accreditation team is visiting the Tobin Montessori School because it’s time to get reaccredited. Yesterday, Superintendent Greer attended a welcome tour and reception for the AMS team at Tobin. Through Wednesday, AMS team members will be observing classroom instruction and interviewing students, staff, administration, and parents. Students were shown this slideshow last week in preparation for the visit.

Women’s History Month Art Contest
Calling all artists! The City of Cambridge invites all residents to submit photos of their artwork for their Women’s History Month Art Contest. This year’s theme is Friendship.
There are a few ways to enter:
The deadline is Friday, March 24.
Winners will receive a prize and their art will be displayed at City Hall.
Questions? Contact

Featured Events
Understanding Islam
North Cambridge Courageous Conversations and the Muslim Community of Cambridge Public Schools are hosting av irtual educational presentation on Understanding Islam ahead of Ramadan, which begins on March 22.
The Muslim Chaplain at Harvard University, Dr. Khalil Abdur-Rashid, will be the guest speaker. There will also be a Q&A. All members of our school community are welcome.

Cambridge Community Iftar
The City of Cambridge invites families to attend theCambridge Community Iftar. Iftar is the evening meal where Muslims break their fast after sunset during the Holy month of Ramadan.
Free Halal food will be served and space will be provided for evening prayer. Guests will learn more about Iftar from guest speakers and our students.
Wednesday, March 29 | 6PM-Cambridge Street Upper School (located at 850 Cambridge Street)
Registration is recommended but not required.
To view the full flyer, click here.
Visual and Performing Arts Information Night
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts invites incoming 9th grade students (current 8th grade students) and their caregivers to a virtual informational night and meet and greet with teachers from the music department at CRLS!
Learn more about the in-school and after-school program options for students who will be entering high school next year.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 15 | 6 - 7PM
For more details, click here.
Click here for thevirtual meeting link (The password is “Music”)
Questions? Contact
Free Food Markets

All families are welcome to stop by our free, school-based food markets. They offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and pantry items. Please bring your own bags.
Markets this week:
You can see the full list of free food markets here.

Register Today for Spring Sports

Registration for Spring Athletics will remain open through next Tuesday, March 14.

Kennedy-Longfellow Social Worker Completes the Ice Mile
Kennedy-Longfellow School Social Worker, Natalie Lang, completed yet another impressive swim! On Sunday, February 19, Mrs. Lang finished the Ice Mile, a one-mile swim in the Boston Harbor, in about 34 minutes. The water temperature was 39.5 degrees. Even more impressive, swimmers were not allowed to wear wetsuits. Assistant Principal Rolanda Prophete was there to greet her with a warm towel after the swim.
You may remember that last August, Mrs. Lang achieved her dream of swimming the English Channel. Congratulations to Mrs. Lang on another incredible accomplishment!

CRLS Fencing Team Wins State Championship!
Congratulations to the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Epee Fencing team on their State Championship win! The team went undefeated across 13 rounds. Pictured below from left to right are teammates Jaeyi Song, Phoebe Chisholm, Mariela Abramson, Alma Barak, and Eva Asraf. We are so proud of you!

Mark Your Calendar
Wednesday, March 15 | Early Release Day (JK-8 only)
Monday, March 20 | Staff Professional Learning Day (No School)
Friday, April 7 | Good Friday (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Monday, April 17 - Friday, April 21 | April Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on Monday, April 17)
Key Resources