All students in grades K-8 can access Boost Reading (K-2) and/or i-Ready Personalized Instruction (grades 3-5) in and outside of school (at home, during after school programs, when absent or on vacation).
Both programs provide each student with a unique sequence of online math and/or reading lessons to address their specific needs, based on their diagnostic data.
- Both programs are proven to significantly improve academic outcomes when students meet their minimum weekly minutes.
- The impact of the program is significantly reduced when students do not use it consistently.
- In addition, we do not recommended that students significantly exceed their weekly minutes.
- Students who do not have access to home-technology can receive a loaner Chromebook for the year. Reach out to your school's family liaison for details and support.
Recommended (Out-Of-School) Weekly Minutes
- Grades K-2 (Boost Reading): 45 mins. each week (15 mins. / day x 3)
- Grades 3-5 (Either Program): 45-60 mins. weekly (~20 mins./day x 3)
- Grades 6-8 (i-Ready): 80 mins. each week (20 mins. / day x 4)
- Grades 9-12 (i-Ready): 80 mins. each week (20 mins. / day x 4)
Create a Home Schedule That Works For You!
Developing a consistent schedule for program usage is highly recommended.