Youth Equity Summit, Walk & Talk Wednesday, Quarantine Rules

Youth Equity Summit, Walk & Talk Wednesday, Quarantine Rules
Posted on 09/27/2021
Greetings CPS community!

The first weekend of the fall season was an eventful one for CPS.

I am proud and grateful for the work of more than 120 8th - 12 grade students for their facilitation of and participation in CPS’s First Youth Equity Leadership Summit that was held on Saturday. The discussions and presentations were focused on defining what equity looks like, sounds like and looks like in CPS from a youth perspective. We are excited about what we learned from the summit and the next phase of the work that is coming from the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (OEIB).

Thanks to the more than 150 families that stopped by the Community Fair this weekend and the many CPS partners, including Mayor Siddiqui, who provided information, books, supplies, backpacks and other resources for our families. We’ll see you October 16 on the Campus Peabody and Rindge Avenue Upper School for our next fair.

videoIn this week’s video message, I remind you about the Test and Stay program and invite you to join me for my first monthly “Walk and Talk Wednesday with Superintendent Greer,” an opportunity to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and chat about CPS. We’ll meet outside 135 Berkshire Street at 5PM near the Public Library.

Make it great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
Cambridge Public Schools

COVID Questions of the Week

What are the CPS COVID-19 quarantine rules? Every case is individually reviewed by the Cambridge Public Health Department and next steps determined based on specific details of the case. This guide to COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols, provides more information on the general next steps. 


What are CPS’s travel policies?

The purpose of CPS travel policies is to minimize the likelihood that individuals who have potentially been exposed to COVID will enter CPS buildings. Therefore, travel policies may change periodically in response to changes in vaccination rates and infection rates in other communities. 

Due to high community vaccination rates and relatively low infection rates, travel within New England and New York State is allowed with no special precautions regardless of vaccination status. For domestic travel outside of New England and New York State, fully vaccinated individuals must self-monitor symptoms for 14 days and unvaccinated/partially vaccinated individuals must quarantine for 7 consecutive days, get tested with a viral (PCR) test 3-5 days after travel, and can return to school on Day 8 with proof of negative test. For international travel, vaccinated individuals must self-monitor for symptoms and get tested on day 3-5 upon return. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals who travel internationally must quarantine for 7 days, get tested with a viral (PCR) test 3-5 days after travel, and may return on the 8th day after returning home from travel with a negative test. 


FYI: Changes to COVID-19 Manual: CPS has updated the COVID-19 Safety, Health and Facilities Manual to clarify travel policies, protocols regarding the use of science equipment, expectations for mealtime, and that students are allowed to sit in a circle and student desks may be arranged in groupings - facing one another - as long as they are all wearing masks.

Nutrition Corner

Looking for Halal options on the CPS lunch menu? The Food and Nutrition Services department offers Halal options on the monthly lunch menu. The offering of Halal options is a joint effort spearheaded by CPS and Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui. We are still waiting to expand our beef offerings once we have secured a supplier. 


September 2021 Lunch Menu

Caught Doing Good!

The Equity Office Team and the Student Facilitators did a wonderful job with the First Annual Student Equity Summit. 

The School Nurses have done a great job with testing and supporting our students and staff to keep our school and community safe. Hats off to our team of nurses and school health aides
for their tireless work.

Upcoming Events

Stay Tuned for More Information: CRLS Student COVID-19 Information Session hosted by Dr. Greer and Partners from the Cambridge Public Health Department.

Walk and Talk Wednesday with Superintendent Greer

September 29 | 5-5:45pm

Meet on the sidewalk outside 135 Berkshire St. 


Join Superintendent Greer for “Walk and Talk Wednesday,” an opportunity to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and talk about CPS.


A Gathering: CPS Caretakers and Educators

September 29 | 10 - 11:30AM or 6 - 7:30PM


Sponsored by the CPS Office of Family Engagement, Cambridge Families of Color Coalition, Federal for Children with Special Needs, and MASFEC.



Staff Focus Groups with Superintendent Greer

Reminder to all staff to sign up for one of the upcoming staff focus groups to share your perspective about the future of Cambridge Public Schools with Superintendent Greer.

  • Tuesday, September 28 | 3 - 4PM: Elementary school staff
  • Tuesday, September 28 | 4 - 5PM: Upper schools staff
  • Wednesday, September 29 | 3:30 - 4:30PM: Elementary and Upper Schools Assistant Principals and SOMs 
  • Thursday, September 30 | 2-3PM: OSS Leadership Team 
  • Thursday, September 30 | 3 - 4PM: CRLS Deans
  • Thursday, September 30 | 4 - 5PM: CRLS and HSEP Staff
  • Wednesday, October 6 | 10 - 11AM: Liaisons
  • Wednesday, October 6 | 3 - 4PM: OSS educators
  • Wednesday, October 6 | 4 - 5PM: Upper School staff
  • Tuesday, October 12 | 3:30 - 4:30PM:  Related Service Providers
  • Tuesday, October 12 | 4:30 - 5:30PM: OSS paraprofessionals
  • Wednesday, October 13 | 3:30 - 4:30PM:  Paraprofessionals (JK-8)  
  • Thursday, October 14 | 5-6PM:  Elementary Staff 

Calendar Reminders

Monday, October 11 | Indigenous Peoples Day: No School and CPS Offices Closed 

Saturday, October 16 | 10AM - 12PM, CPS Community Fair

SY2021-22 School Calendar

In Case You Missed It: Important Resources

Pictures of the Week

Youth facilitators working hard during the 1st Youth Equity Leadership Summit

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