Student Health Survey (Grades 6 - 12)

Student Health Survey (Grades 6 - 12)
Posted on 04/16/2021

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Dear CPS Parents and Guardians,

As you know, student wellbeing is a top priority for CPS, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This May, the Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) is partnering with the Cambridge Public Health Department to conduct the Student Health Survey to all students in grades 6-12. CPS uses the information from this survey to improve CPS’s Wellness Education Program to specifically address the needs of CPS students.

About the survey

The CPS Student Health Survey is based on the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS was developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to gather information about behaviors associated with the leading causes of illness and injury among young people. The survey has been administered in CPS for many years (see results from prior years), and is widely used in communities nationwide to gather information about:
  • Use of nicotine, alcohol, and other drug use
  • Nutrition and physical activity
  • Mental, Emotional and Social well-being
  • Technology use
  • Behaviors related to sexual activity and informed decision-making
  • Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries

Survey is voluntary and anonymous
The survey consists of multiple-choice questions and will take roughly 15-30 minutes to complete. Students will be taking the survey online, and it will be accessible for students who are attending school remotely and in-person.

Your child’s participation is voluntary and anonymous. Names or student ID numbers will NOT be collected, used, or reported. There will be a place on the survey that students can write in their name should they choose. Data from this survey drives Wellness programming improvements and Health supports in CPS. We depend on high participation rates to meet the health needs of all students and encourage all students to complete the survey to the best of their ability. Students will be notified at the time of the survey that participation is voluntary and that there are NO consequences for students who wish not to take or finish the survey. This is not a test and does not impact students’ grades whatsoever.

Families can opt out of survey
You may choose to have your child not take the 2021 Student Health Survey. If you choose to opt out of having your child complete the surveys he/she/they will be provided an academic activity during the administration time. To opt out, contact Kimona Cameron by April 30, 2021 by providing the name of your student and the school they attend.

If you have any questions about the survey please contact Jamie McCarthy, JK-12 Health & Wellness Curriculum Coordinator by email or 617.894.0174. Thank you.


Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

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