School Committee Agenda: September 3, 2019

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting September 3, 2019


1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
August 6, 2019 Regular (Summer) Meeting

4. Reconsiderations:

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar:
#19-201 Joint Motion by Ms. Nolan and Mr. Kimbrough, whereas the School Committee passed an order related to reviewing school building namesakes relation to the slave trade and whereas the School Committee also wishes to understand if any school buildings are named for people who sought to oppress women, now therefore the School Committee ask that the historical review of ties to slavery include a review of ties of namesakes to the oppression of women. (8-6-19, McGovern)
6. Awaiting Reports:
C19-064 That the following be amended and referred to the Superintendent:
Whereas the School Committee worked to raise the level of instruction for all students through the Level Up initiative at CRLS; and
Whereas a recent Globe project on valedictorians documented a sobering and critically important question of whether high schools are preparing students for success: and
Whereas the recent report The Opportunity Myth by The New Teachers Project found that despite 71% of students in a national representative sample of audited classes met classroom expectations and succeeded on assignments, only 17% of those assignments were on grade level when evaluated; and
Whereas both the Valedictorian Project and The New Teachers Project identified the need for high expectations and intentional focus on rigorous curriculum, instruction and assignments as key to delivering on the promise of success in college and life; and
Whereas there were gaps by racial subgroups in performance on common assessment; and
Whereas nearly 1 in 3 CRLS students indicated that teachers do not have very high expectations of them; Therefore, the School Committee directs the Administration to evaluate the Level Up ELA classes, to ensure that the initiative is as successful as possible. The School Committee requests the Superintendent submits a report no later than the August 6, 2019 Regular Summer Meeting.

C19-135 That the School Committee request an update on prior School Committee Orders related to building projects, C12-095 on space for hands-on programming including but not limited to Woodshop and Culinary Arts in the Upper Schools and C13-043 on appropriate athletic facilities available to all residents and high school teams.
Further, that all current enrollment projections be shared with the School Committee and the City to ensure adequate space for the growing district population in future building projects.

C19-181 That the following be adopted as amended:
That whereas bottled water is environmentally devastating, and
Whereas bottled water costs approximately 50 times more than city water, and
Whereas Cambridge's water routinely exceeds health and safety standards, and
Whereas the school district and the city have sought to reduce waste and encourage city water consumption over bottled water, and
Whereas the City Council passed an order recognizing this issue on January 28, 2019, be it ordered
That the district establish a policy that no district funds, unless necessary, may be used to purchase bottled water, and
That this policy be referred to the Superintendent for a report by the summer meeting, and
That this policy be communicated to all schools.

C19-210 That the following be adopted as amended:
Due to legislation passed by the State Legislature that requests early screenings of students to identify if they have dyslexia,
That the Superintendent take appropriate steps to ensure that students are screened and that students who are identified receive appropriate and timely supports and that training and support for teachers is in place. Superintendent will report back on how the district will comply with the present law by the Regular meeting in November.
7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Presentations:

7b. CPS District Plan: None

7c. Consent Agenda:
19-207 Approval of Agreement Between the Cambridge School Committee and the
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO,
Council 93, Local 1611 Regarding Rate of Pay For Custodians Who Work Overtime

19-208 Day & Residential Program Services not Available From the Cambridge School Department

19-209 Contract Award: Cambridge School Volunteers: Student Support Services:
Volunteer Management

19-210 Contract Award: Breakthrough Cambridge: Educational Services

19-211 Contract Award: Cambridge Housing Authority: Educational Support

19-212 Contract Award: Cambridge Community Outreach Tabernacle: Lease of Parking
Lot for the Fletcher/Maynard Academy

19-213 Contract Award: Heinemann Publishing: Instructional Materials

19-214 Contract Award: Bunker Hill Community College: SY19/20 Student Tuition

19-215 Contract Award: Ricoh USA, Inc.: Multi-Function Printer Leases, Maintenance & Supplies

19-216 Contract Award: Enroot: Educational Support

19-217 Miscellaneous Receipts

19-218 Grant Award: NOVO Foundation SEL/Transgender PD (SC20149)

19-219 Grant Award: Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard (SC20153

19-220 Grant Award: FY20 Expanded Learning Time (SC20829)

19-221 Grant Award: FY20 Title IV/Student Support & Academic Enrichment (SC20732)
8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda
#19-222, Joint Motion by Ms. Bowman and Mr. Fantini, whereas the Cambridge Public Schools and the City of Cambridge strive to provide quality and equitable access to all programming for students and families,
And whereas, the registration process for programming from the City of Cambridge Department of Human Services and the CPSD Control Choice model often doesn't align leaving families in a stressful position annually during the beginning of the academic school year,
And whereas this misalignment creates significant uncertainty and tension when it comes to securing and scheduling after school care for working families,
Therefore be it resolved that CPSD collaborate with the City of Cambridge Department of Human Services to review the registration process for both CPSD and CDHS as a means to better serve Cambridge families by the 2020/2021 school year.
10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):
#19-223, Motion by Ms. Nolan, Whereas the School Committee seeks to recognize outstanding achievements, and whereas the AMC 10, a rigorous national exam designed for top math students who exhibit creativity in mathematical thinking took place earlier this year and whereas three of the top four students from CPS who took the exam were upper school students, and came in first, second and fourth, the School Committee send a congratulatory letter to those Sebastian Prasanna (7th grade who also received a certificate of Distinction for his results), Charlotte Younger (6th grade) and Hugh Koschwanez (8th grade). Further, that the SC commend CRLS Hanfei Cui (10th grade) who placed third at the school and was thus designated a CRLS team member.

#19-224, Motion by Ms. Nolan, That the School Committee send a letter of condolence to the family of Daisy Rodriguez, and recognize her lifelong dedication to making Cambridge a better place, and especially salute her service to CSV for 21 years providing support for thousands of CPS students who walked through CSV's doors, and appreciation for her contributions to numerous Cambridge organizations including initiating a program to ensure that CRLS football athletes received nutritional products for games.
11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers: None

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