Greetings CPS Community!
As we spring forward, we have a busy March ahead.
Tomorrow evening at 6PM, we will present the proposed budget for next school year to the School Committee. We have worked to ensure that the budget supports the continued growth of our students and the professional growth of our educators and staff. You will see that we are devoting significant resources in the form of new and continued investments to help us reach our collective goals. To learn more about the key investments, please take some time to watch the videos below, which provide a snapshot of the proposed budget.
Next Monday, March 18, we will host a
hybrid town hall to share key findings from the 2023-2024 District/School Climate Survey. We will discuss highlights, opportunities for growth, and answer questions. You can find more information and register below.
Our Communications and Content survey will also launch next Monday. Your input will inform decisions and contribute to the continued improvement of our communication strategies and platforms.
The survey will be open through Friday, April 5.
Thank you for your continued support. Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Key Investments in the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget: Tune into Dr. Greer’s Presentation Tomorrow; Budget Workshop this Thursday
As we continue to work through the budget for the next school year, we are excited to highlight some of the key investments in the 2024-2025 proposed budget. In the latest edition of our budget video series, Dr. Greer shares the 5 key areas of focus for the proposed budget.
We hope you take the time to watch our 7 minute budget video that breaks down our investments into 5 easy-to-understand fiscal priorities.

Interested in learning more about the specifics of our key initiatives for the 2024-25 budget proposal? Check out our video highlighting our Educator Pathway Program and plans to implement an aligned Elementary Literacy Curriculum across the district.
Chat Culture and Climate at Next Monday’s Town Hall
Please join us next Monday, March 18, for a hybrid town hall to go over the findings from the 2023-2024 District/School Climate Survey. Superintendent Greer and district leaders will present the data, share next steps, and answer questions. Childcare will be provided.
- When: Monday, March 18 | 6 - 8PM (Dinner will be served at 5:30PM.)
- Where: Media Cafe, Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School located at 459 Broadway or online via Zoom.
To register to attend in-person or virtually, click here.
March 5 School Committee Meeting Recap
Highlights include:
Interested in receiving email notifications about meetings? Join the School Committee listserv >>
March Family/Caregiver Virtual Dinner Hour
We are excited for next Wednesday’s Family/Caregiver Virtual Dinner Hour from 6:30-7:30PM. Please note that we will begin organizing the meetings by triad. March’s meeting will be for Cambridgeport, Cambridge Street Upper, Fletcher Maynard Academy, and King Open.
This is an opportunity to engage with families and caregivers to learn about your experiences with our schools, have meaningful conversations about our schools and school district, and answer any questions that you may have. Please register at the link below. By registering, you will also be able to share topics of interest which will help us plan.

Monthly on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30PM
Register Here!
March 20
April 24
May 15

Communication and Content Survey Opens Next Monday
As Cambridge Public Schools continues to strive for the highest standards in all forms of communication across schools and district offices, we are eager to hear from you!
We are excited to share that our school community will have the opportunity to tell us how our communication measures up in our Communication and Content (ParentSquare and Website) survey. Your feedback will inform decisions and contribute to the continued improvement of our communication strategies and platforms as both of which are integral to objective 4 of our District Plan: Building Welcoming Schools.
The survey will be open from Monday, March 18 - Friday, April 5.
We have again partnered with Panorama Education for the survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential.
Spring Sports Registration Closes This Thursday!

Registration for Spring Athletics is open now through next Thursday, March 14 at 11PM.
Featured Events & Opportunities
Vote Today in the City of Cambridge’s Participatory Budgeting
This week is Civic Learning Week and what better way to be active civic participants than voting in the City’s 10th Annual Participatory Budget process (PB10).
Now through March 17, Cambridge Residents are invited to vote for 5 out of 20 ballot projects to demonstrate their support for funding! Cambridge Public School will offer every student grades 6-12 an opportunity to vote this week at school.
The results will be announced at the PB10 Vote Results Party on March 21 at 6PM at Cambridge City Hall (795 Massachusetts Avenue).
Get out and vote! Learn more about the Participatory Budget here.
Cambridge Basketball Lab
The Cambridge Basketball Lab (CBL) has announced their Spring season! The CBL will host one workout each weeknight (Monday - Friday), and offer a girls only workout on Wednesday. These sessions provide individual skill development and mentorship for youth in a fun, collaborative and active setting. CPS students in grades 6-12 can sign up for free.
- When: April 1 - June 14
- Where: Putnam Avenue Upper School (100 Putnam Ave)
- Girls & Boys Workouts - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
- Girls Only Workouts - Wednesdays
Participants may register for as many sessions as they'd like, but please make sure to commit to attendance as space is limited. A Parent/Guardian waiver is required to participate. Learn more and register here. Check out the flyer here.
Solar Eclipse
The Science Department will be providing solar eclipse viewing glasses for all students in advance of the April 8 solar eclipse. The eclipse will take place from 2:16 to 4:39PM. More resources, information, and details about distribution of glasses will be coming soon.

March Free Food Markets

All families are welcome to stop by our free, school-based food markets. They offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and pantry items. Please bring your own bags.
Tuesday, March 12 | 1:30 - 3:30PM (Graham & Parks Elementary School)
Thursday, March 21 | 3:15 - 5:15 PM (Peabody/ Rindge Avenue Upper School)
Tuesday, March 26 | 3 - 4:30 PM (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School/Putnam Ave Upper School)
Wednesday, March 27 | 1:45 - 3:45PM (Fletcher Maynard Academy)
Wednesday, March 27 | 2 - 4PM (Kennedy-Longfellow School/Vassal Lane Upper School)
See the full list of free food markets for the 2023-2024 school year.

Mass-ive Success at the State Science Olympiad
The CRLS Science Team competed in the Massachusetts State Science Olympiad last weekend and had its first top ten finish since 2012 and finished 9th place out of 67 schools! Stellar job to all students who demonstrated top tier teamwork and critical thinking skills to place in the following categories…
- 5th place overall - Tower
- 7th place overall - Forestry
- 7th place overall - Wind Power
- 7th place overall - Mystery Architecture
- 10th place overall - Dynamic Planet
- 10th place overall - Detector Building
- 11th place overall - Robot Tour
- 11th place overall - Experimental Design
- 12th place overall - Chem Lab
- 14th place overall - Air Trajectory
Congratulations to the whole team on their accomplishments!
Forecast Calls for a Special Visit for These King Open 3rd Graders!
3rd grade scholars at King Open Elementary School had the opportunity to chat with WBZ Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff last week! Students learned more about meteorology and the impact of environmental stories and had the opportunity to ask some very thought-provoking questions.
RSTA Creative Design Students Win Scholastic Art Awards
Students in RSTA's Creative Design class proudly represented CPS during the Scholastic Art Awards. Open to students from grades 7–12, the Scholastic Art Awards are the nation's longest-running, largest, most prestigious recognition program for creative teenagers in the visual and literary arts.
This year four Creative Design students won five Scholastic Art Awards. Senior Sky Waddell-Brittle won Gold Key for Comic Art and Honorable Mention for a drawing/illustration submission. Senior James Blanc earned honorable mention awards for his Art/Design Portfolio. Senior Dallas Young earned Honorable Mention award for a digital art submission. Junior Taya Thoms earned Silver Key award for a design submission.
National awards opportunity for GOLD KEY winner:
Sky Waddell Brittle's Gold Key Comic Art submission is currently being reviewed at the national level by panels of creative professionals. National Medalists selected by these panelists will be announced in April 2024.

Key Resources
Wednesday, March 13 | Early Release (Grades JK-8)
Friday, March 29 | Good Friday (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Wednesday, April 10 | Eid al-Fitr (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19 | April Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on Monday, April 15)