Summer Bike Week 2020!

Summer Bike Week 2020!
Posted on 07/01/2020
bike week graphicIn Need of a New Bicycle? EXCITING NEWS:
Summer Bike Week begins July 6th – Your Participation Could Earn You a New Bicycle!

The CPS Wellness Department has teamed up with the Cambridge Community Development Department to offer Summer Bike Week 2020 starting July 6th, with new bicycles as participation-based prizes!

What is Summer Bike Week 2020?

This summer starting July 6th, a virtual Bike Week will be available for all CPS students JK-12 through the CPSD Wellness website. The virtual bike week will be a 5 lesson mini-series introducing bicycle-riding technique, an introduction to mechanics and at-home maintenance to keep your bicycle in working condition, and lessons on rules of the road and smart safety to help you graduate from riding in parks and neighborhoods to riding throughout Cambridge.

Who is Summer Bike Week for?

All CPS students JK-12 are eligible to participate
in Summer Bike Week. While many of you may feel you are already capable of riding a bicycle at an advanced level, there is always something new for everyone to learn - whether it be why we shift gears and finding out about pinch flats or learning where your brakes are (hint - they’re not on your handlebars!). Don’t know how to ride a bike? No problem, there will be an instructional video to help you learn!

How do I enter to win a bicycle?

Each day of the week (Monday-Friday) starting July 6th we will post a few 5-10 minute videos on the CPSD Wellness website. There will be a short assignment for you to complete based on the videos to demonstrate your understanding of the material and verify your participation. Videos and assignments will be posted each based on your grade level (JK-3 or 4-12), so be sure to click on the correct links for your grade level.

Students who complete all assignments will be entered into a random drawing for a new bicycle. The award will be in the form of a gift credit to Cambridge Bicycle sponsored by the Cambridge Community Development Department. The winning students will also be provided with locks, helmets, and lights. Students will have until July 17th at 5PM to submit all assignments.

How do I find out more information about Bike Week 2020, CPS Wellness, or the Safe Routes to School Program?

Bike Week 2020
information is available on the CPSD Wellness website. CPS Wellness will be posting information on their Instagram account, @cpsdwellness, in addition to their website. Safe Routes to School information is available here. More questions? Feel free to email a team member below.

Be Well,

CPS Health/PE/Wellness Summer Social Media Team
Libby Bacher, JK-5 PE Teacher Amigos School
Timothy Gill, JK-5 PE Teacher Tobin School

Cambridge Community Development Department
Adi Philson, Mobility Education Coordinator

Estimadas familias,

¡Espero que estén disfrutando su verano! Quiero compartir una oportunidad emocionante para sus estudiantes que empieza la semana que viene. Cambridge Community Development y CPS Wellness se unen para traerles la Semana de la Bicicleta! A partir del lunes, el 6 de julio, estudiantes de CPS JK-12 tendrán la oportunidad de participar en unas lecciones de seguridad de bicis para postularse para ganar una bicicleta nueva! Sigue leyendo para detalles.

La Semana de la Bicicleta - el 6-10 de julio: Videos y tareas se publicarán cada día de la Semana de la Bici (el 6-10 de julio)

Estudiantes que completen todos los 5 videos y tareas estarán ingresados en la rifa para GANAR una bicicleta nueva! Bicicletas estarán premiadas como certificados de regalo así que cada estudiante pueda elegir su bici.

Videos y tareas se publicarán basados en el grado de su estudiante en 2019-20, entonces por favor elige el grado apropiado (JK-3 o 4-12).

Estudiantes/familias pueden participar en la Semana de la Bicicleta en el sitio de CPSD Wellness ( cada día de la semana y después para ver videos y completar tareas.

Estudiantes tendrán hasta el 17 de julio a las 5.00 pm para entregar todas las tareas.

Se puede encontrar más información en la carta adjunta, los volantes, y en el sitio de CPSD Wellness. Cualquier pregunta, avisenme. Buena suerte!!


Srta. Libby

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