Dear CPS Families -
As you know, your in-person learners can participate in surveillance testing to detect COVID-19 cases among individuals who are not displaying symptoms. if you have provided permission. We strongly encourage all students to take advantage of this free testing while at school.
You may be wondering how you will find out the results of this testing, and the quarantine protocols if there is a positive case. See below for what you can expect for PK - Grade 5, Grades 6 - 8, and Grades 9 - 12.
If you haven’t already provided permission for your child to participate in testing, sign the form now!
Please let us know if you have any questions.
-- The CPS Team

PK - Grade 5
Students with permission to participate will participate in “pool testing” once per week. Pool testing is when multiple student individual swabs are placed in a large test tube together, and tested as a group. Each classroom could have more than one pool.
- If your child’s classroom results are negative, this means all the students in all the pools in that classroom are negative. You will not be notified. No news is good news!
- If any pool in your child’s classroom tests positive, this means at least one student in the pooled group is positive and the whole pool is a “close contact” of the positive case.
- You will be notified by phone about next steps. Your student must be picked up from school by an authorized adult.
- If your student was in the positive pool, your student will receive a followup test to help identify the positive student(s) in the pool. This is a rapid response test that provides results in approximately 15 minutes.
- All students in the classroom will be home for a minimum of 10 days, either in isolation as a positive case or in quarantine as a “close contact” of a positive case.

Grade 6 - 8
Students with permission will participate once per week when they are in school.
- The family will be notified by email (to the email address that was included on the consent form) from Care Evolve with the results, usually overnight.
- If there is a positive result, you will receive a phone call from your school and a public health contact tracer.
Grade 9 - 12
Students with permission (or consenting students who are 18+) must visit the CRLS testing location(s) as part of their school day:
- The family will be notified by email (to the email address that was included on the consent form) from Care Evolve with the results, usually overnight.
- If there is a positive result, you will receive a phone call from your school and a public health contact tracer.
Quarantine Protocols
As a reminder, here’s what happens in the case of a positive case in your student’s school.