Message from Superintendent Greer: November 29, 2021

Message from Superintendent Greer: November 29, 2021
Posted on 11/29/2021

Message from Superintendent Greer

Greetings CPS community!


I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with family and friends.

Thanks to everyone who has uploaded their vaccination documentation. TODAY marks the deadline to submit evidence of vaccination or an exemption request for our students 12 and older. While unvaccinated students will not be excluded from school, they may not be able to participate in various CPS activities.

Please review the varying vaccination deadlines for activities here
As shared in an earlier message, we are focusing our efforts on youth vaccinations and will share information about 5-11 year olds at a later date. Thank you for your commitment to keep schools open for in-person learning for all of our students.

We continue to focus our efforts in developing district and school structures that support our students in their return to in-person learning. I hope that you will join the School Committee tomorrow for its Climate Sub-Committee meeting where we will be reviewing and discussing the most recent Teen Health Survey. I am encouraged by the commitment of our community to the wellbeing and social and emotional health of our students.

I hope you have an amazing week.

Make it Great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer

Interim Superintendent

Cambridge Public Schools

COVID Questions of the Week
Will spectators be allowed at high school indoor athletic events and Visual Performing Arts (VPA) performances?

Audience attendance at high school athletic events and VPA performances will be limited to 50% of capacity. Masks are required at all times throughout the building. Where possible, individuals attending an athletic event or performance together should maintain at least 3’ from neighboring groups. No food or beverages are allowed in the event space or adjoining stairways and hallways. Individuals attending events should remain home if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

Student Vaccination

See the full FAQ about student vaccinations here.


If you have not done so already, please upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family Portal as soon as possible. As a reminder, please do not share this information via email with school staff.

COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Clinics

Appointments Required for December 1st Clinic

Due to high demand, the Cambridge Public Health Department’s vaccine clinic this Wednesday, December 1st, is now limited to those individuals who have confirmed appointments.


If you received your first COVID-19 vaccine dose at the November 10th clinic at King Open and are not yet scheduled for dose 2 this Wednesday, please check your email or text messages for a registration link. If you did not receive a link, please call the Cambridge Public Health Department at 617-665-3826 and leave a message.


CPHD plans to hold additional COVID-19 vaccination clinics early this winter. For families seeking vaccination sooner, CPHD recommends scheduling an appointment at a local pharmacy or at the Cambridge Health Alliance Vaccine Center in Somerville at 176 Somerville Avenue, near Target.

VaxAbilities is hosting disability-friendly vaccine clinics around the state. Additional staff will be at these clinics to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs.


Most of the clinics will offer the COVID vaccine to children 5+, adult vaccines as well as boosters. While the clinics are tailored to support individuals with disabilities, please note that anyone can visit the clinic.


**Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged.**




Nutrition Corner

A reminder that for the month of December, Food and Nutrition Services will publish a weekly menu, rather than a monthly menu, due to continued national shortages of food and packaging materials, labor and vendor delivery delays and cancellations, This will ensure the menu is as accurate as possible. A weekly menu also means there will be fewer last minute menu changes.


For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Food and Nutrition Services office at 617-349-6858.


Our Edulog bus tracker system has a new app!

With the new Edulog Parent Portal app you can:

  • See the location information for your child’s bus
  • Receive notifications as the bus approaches the bus stop
  • Receive time-sensitive messages from the Transportation Department

Scan the QR Code above or to the right to download the NEW

app and create a NEW account.


For more information, visit CPS’ Transportation webpage.

Caught Doing Good

Teacher-Student Connection at Tobin

During the 2019-2020 school year, Tobin’s Ms. Jordan, a 
Children’s House lead teacher, recorded many songs for students, including Remi Chakrabarti. When Remi met Ms. Jordan this year he said excitedly, “I know you! You sang songs to us last year. I loved your songs!” Ms. Jordan responded to Remi, "You have just filled my bucket with your kind words. Would you like to sing with me now?" In the photo, Remi and Ms. Jordan are singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your “Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].


Featured Events

2022-23 JK/K Lottery


The JK/K Lottery for the 2022-2023 school year opens on January 3, 2022 and closes promptly at 4PM on January 31, 2022. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points.

Discussion of Student Health Survey

The Cambridge Public Health Department and Cambridge Public Schools have released summary results from the 2021 Cambridge Middle Grades and Teen Health Survey. The survey, which is conducted regularly to assess the health behaviors of our middle and high school students, was administered online in May 2021. We have taken a deeper dive into the results, which will be presented at the School Committee School Climate Sub-Committee meeting on:

Tuesday, November 30 | 6:00 p.m.


Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC): Community Gathering


Tuesday, December 14 | 6:30-8PM



CPS 2021-22 School calendar


Sunday, November 28-Monday, December 6 | Hanukkah

Monday, November 29 | Student Vaccination Requirement for CPS Sponsored Afterschool Activities Takes Effect

Friday, December 24-Friday, December 31 | Winter Break

Sunday, December 26| Kwanzaa Begins

In Case You Missed It: Key Resources

December CPS Lunch Menu: Week 1 (November 29-December 3)

COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal

CPS Quarantine & Testing Protocols: English | Amharic | Arabic | Bengali | Haitian Creole | Spanish

Holiday Gathering Guidance: Safety Tips

Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ 

Picture of the Week

Haggerty Poetry Slam

On Tuesday, November 23, Ms. Burks’ and Ms. Yeh’s 4th grade students participated in a poetry slam at Haggerty Elementary School.

The students presented unique and compelling poems with a video component.

Way to go!

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