Greetings CPS Community!
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend.
Last week was a full week as we celebrated the Class of 2022. The graduation ceremonies for CRLS and HSEP were filled with joy and pride as the graduates made their way across the stage. We will continue the celebrations for our students reaching important milestones by honoring all of the 8th graders as they leave middle school and move on to high school. I can not wait to see the smiles on their faces and learn of their many accomplishments.
Tomorrow, in a Special Meeting, I will present the two finalists for the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services to the School Committee. A formal recommendation will be made to the School Committee at our June 21st meeting to appoint a permanent Assistant Superintendent of Student Services. We look forward to sharing more with you about this individual and their background following the official appointment. I will appoint the new Executive Director of RSTA later this week and look forward to making the announcement to the community next week. We are also in the final phase of interviews for the Chief of Academics and Schools and the Chief Talent Officer. We look forward to making those announcements by the end of the month.
Please be reminded that our schools administrative offices will be closed on Monday in observance of Juneteenth, which is this Sunday, the 19th.
Thank you for your engagement and continued support.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Congratulations to Our 2022 Super Seniors! |
Each year, Cambridge Rindge & Latin School graduates about 500 ambitious, interesting, funny, dedicated and spirited young people into the real world. On average, 92 percent of each graduating class heads off to a two- or four-year college, university, or technical school.
Every new graduate has a story to share. Here are a few, some of whom were chosen on the merits of their academic standing and some for the way in which they embody the school motto of Opportunity, Diversity, and Respect.
View the Class of 2022 Super Seniors
District Plan Update |
The foundation of the 2022-2025 District Plan are the Vision, Mission, and Core Values statements that describe our aspirations for the future and our commitments to each other.I am excited to share the updated version, which reflects multiple phases of input from students, staff, families, and partners, and makes a strong statement about the future of CPS. I look forward to discussing this at tomorrow’s School Committee meeting.

Our focused working groups kicked off today to review existing data, findings, and commitments, and provide recommendations to the administration on strategic initiatives, including priorities, sequencing, conditions for success, and interdependencies.
We look forward to sharing updates from their work along the way.
School Councils |
The Family Engagement Office, in collaboration with a working group of caregivers and staff, undertook the creation of the first CPS School Council Handbook.
A School Council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the Principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students. The School Council improves student outcomes by engaging its community in site-based decision-making to develop a shared vision of the school. The School Council Handbook is a work in progress and will be updated every couple of years with feedback from the community.
A virtual Communications and Community Relations Sub-Committee meeting to discuss school councils will be held on Thursday, June 23 at 7PM.
2022 City of Cambridge Scholarship Recipients Honored |
The City of Cambridge honored the recipients of the 2022 City of Cambridge Scholarship during a special ceremony last week. This year, the city awarded 81 scholarships of $3,000 each for a total $243,000 to Cambridge high school seniors and others pursuing higher education. Congratulations to all of the recipients…we are so proud of you!

Since the program’s inception in 1993, the city has awarded 1,269 scholarships totaling over $3.1 million.
Become a Cambridge Police Cadet - Applications Due June 30! |
The Cambridge Police Department is recruiting for its next Cadet class! The program is designed for Cambridge residents between the ages of 18 - 23 years old who are interested in learning more about or want to pursue a career in law enforcement. Fun fact… the last class was made up completely of CRLS graduates!
For more information, click here.
Summer Contact List |

We have put together a quick list of contacts for the summer while our school buildings are closed.
ParentSquare Coming in August! |

Just a reminder to keep an eye out for more information on ParentSquare over the summer! With ParentSquare, you will receive updates from your child’s school and us…right to the palm of your hand…in your preferred language!
Look for an email in August to register and download the free ParentSquare app! As we approach the launch, we will share resources to help you use the new platform. Staff will be available to answer questions.
Interested to learn more now? Watch this video, which provides an overview of the platform.
Registration for Fall Athletics is Open! |

Registration for Fall Athletics is open and will close on Tuesday, August 16.
- For a registration checklist, click here.
To register for fall sports, click here.
COVID Updates |
Following ongoing discussions with the Cambridge Public Health Department and the Health, Safety, and Facilities Working Group, we continue to review and update our COVID protocols to reflect current conditions. As updates are made, we will notify the CPS community in a timely manner.
**Please note that these updates are subject to further changes as conditions evolve.**
UPDATED CPS COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine Protocols
We have revised our testing and quarantine PROTOCOLS to align with the updates released by the state at the end of May. The updated protocols are effective immediately.
Mask Advisory
Our mask advisory remains in place and we strongly encourage our entire school community to mask, particularly when we are indoors. Please note that we are NOT reinstating a requirement but advising mask use based on current data. We will continue to monitor the trends and make determinations based on the data and in collaboration with the Cambridge Public Health Department.
Caught Doing Good |
Kennedy-Longfellow’s Family Cooks Event Delights for a 2nd Year
The Kennedy-Longfellow School virtually hosted its 2nd Annual Family Cooks Event last Wednesday. More than 80 people participated in the event, which was a collaboration between Kennedy-Longfellow staff members, Food & Nutrition Services, parents, and community partners. Participants cooked one of four delicious meals in breakout rooms and following the cooking session families gathered for a read aloud!
Special shout out to Family Liaison, Nancy Wyse, Assistant Director of Food & Nutrition Services, Anthony Grein, and the entire planning team for facilitating such a great event!

King Open Celebrates Pete the Cat
King Open School’s Ms. Randall and her students dressed up as Pete the Cat for the school’s Character Day Spirit Day. Each student & their shirt represented a math equation from the Pete the Cat story they read together! How creative…great job!

Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your
“Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected]. |
Featured Events |
Vassal Lane Presents Stories of Persecution and Perseverance
The 7th graders at the Vassal Lane Upper School invite you to attend a curriculum as a culmination to a
semester of research. Students will be performing original monologues as the people they have researched
during the Stories of Persecution and Perseverance unit of study.
Wednesday June 15 | 6:00 - 8:30PM
The event will be held at the school, located at 158 Spring Street.
*Student performances are scheduled throughout the evening. You are welcome to attend the event at any
time, for any length of time to catch performances.
Advanced Learning Webinar

Join Interim Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Dr. Barbara Mullen, and LeadTeacher of
Advanced Learning, Molly Singh, for an update on Advanced Learning. Thesession will be recorded for
anyone unable to join the webinar.
Thursday, June 16 | 6 - 7PM |Virtual
Register here
Is My Child Ready for Howard or Harvard: Parent Workshop
Sponsored by the Cambridge Black Pastors Alliance and CPS, come and learn about useful strategies, tips, and resources.
Thursday, June 16 | 6:30 - 7:30PM | Virtual
Register here
Juneteenth City Events

Several events in honor of Juneteenth are happening this weekend, including a Black
business fair, performances by students at Starlight and a parade! The Public Library will
also host several story times at different locations through the month. Please visit Eventbrite
for more details.
School Calendar |
CPS 2021-22 School Calendar
CPS 2022-23 School Calendar
All Schools and Admin Offices Closed:
- Monday, June 20 | Juneteenth (Observed)
Last Day of School-Early Release for All Grades
In Case You Missed It: Key Resources |
2022-23 JK/K Registration: The lottery is closed for the 2022-23 school year; If you are interested in registering your child, visit our registration webpage for more information.
June Lunch Menu: Week 3 (June 13 - June 17)
UPDATED COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols
COVID-19 Testing/At-Home Weekly Testing Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
Free Internet for Qualifying Families: Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program
Pictures of the Week |
1st Ever CPS Community Pride Day
On Friday, CPS organized its first-ever Community Pride Day where we celebrated LGBTQIA+ students. Over 100 students, in grades 6-12, came together for a panel discussion featuring brilliant CRLS students and activist Ericka Hart, followed by two rounds of workshops for students led by community members, and a final outdoor celebration for all community members with food, books, and decorate-your-own Pride cookies!
