Greetings CPS community!
I will share the findings from my comprehensive entry process with the School Committee tomorrow. This report will support us in launching the planning process for both the district’s multi-year plan and the FY23 Budget. I look forward to engaging you in this work to move the district forward.
As a reminder, the Cambridge Public Health Department will be holding a third vaccine clinic this Wednesday at CRLS from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please note that an appointment is required. Additional information and the registration link are below.
We have updated our CPS Testing & Quarantine Protocols to align with the latest state and federal guidance. Please review the document and contact your child’s school nurse with any questions or concerns.
We are excited that the City will break ground tomorrow at the future Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools. The ceremony will be at 2:00 p.m. at 197 Vassal Lane.
A heartfelt congratulations to CRLS Rugby Coach Jesse Nocon, who was recently named MIAA’s Rugby Coach of the Year! Coach Nocon demonstrates great passion in working with our students and provides amazing support to all those who take part in the program.
Thank you for your continued support. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
Cambridge Public Schools
Conflict of Interest Law and Gift Giving
We are very fortunate to have a generous school community. At this time of year, it is a tradition for somefamilies to give gifts to school staff to show their appreciation. Please review the following letter from Dr. Greer regarding compliance with the state’s Conflict of Interest Law as it relates to gift giving.
COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Opportunities

CPHD is hosting a 3rd vaccine clinic this Wednesday at CRLS. Please note that COVID booster vaccines will be available for anyone 16 and older if they are fully vaccinated (considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series or 14 days after receipt of the single dose of the Janssen vaccine).
- Appointments are required. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
- COVID booster vaccines WILL be available for students ages 16 and 17 and adults
- Anyone 5 and older can receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. This clinic cannot accommodate those who need their second dose.
- FluMist will be available to people ages 2 to 49 at the Dec. 15 clinic who have an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine.
**A follow-up clinic will be held on Wednesday, January 5 to provide the second dose of vaccine to children and adults who received their first dose at the December 15 clinic.**
Wednesday, December 15 | 3:30-7:30PM
VaxAbilities is hosting disability-friendly vaccine clinics around the state. Additional staff will be at these clinics to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs.
Most of the clinics will offer the COVID vaccine to children 5+, adult vaccines as well as boosters. While the clinics are tailored to support individuals with disabilities, please note that anyone can visit the clinic.
**Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged.**
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for CRLS Students at Teen Health Center
The Teen Health Center at CRLS is offering COVID-19 vaccines every Friday from 9AM - 1PM for CRLS students only. Because doses are limited, appointments are required. CRLS students should call 617-665-1548 or visit the clinic to schedule an appointment.
- 12-15 years old: must come to the appointment with a parent/guardian
- 16 -17 years old: may come alone but must have two signed consent forms (one from state and one from CHA: English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Spanish)
18 years old+: may come alone
SAVE THE DATE: FY23 Budget Development - Community Meetings
On December 7, 2021, the School Committee adopted the preliminary timeline for the development of the Fiscal Year 2023 budget, which runs from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.
CPS invites students, families and staff to Save-the-Date for the FY23 Budget Virtual Community Meetings, where members of the CPS community will join Superintendent Greer and School Committee members to share their perspectives on budget priorities for next year.
- FY23 Budget Community Meeting 1: Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 3-5PM
- FY23 Budget Community Meeting 2: Thursday, February 3, 2022, 5:30-7:30PM
- FY23 Budget Community Meeting 3: Saturday, February 12, 2022, 10-12PM
More information on how to register and attend these meetings coming soon!
Jesse Nocon Named MIAA Coach of the Year
CRLS Rugby Varsity Head Coach, Jesse Nocon, has been
named the MIAA Rugby Coach of the Year!
Coach Nocon has been with CRLS since 2017. In a short he
led his athletes to the State Finals in 2019 and 2021. Coach
Nocon, along with Assistant Coach Dan Mason, have
worked tirelessly to build up the sport.
Coach Nocon demonstrates great passion in working with our
students and provides amazing support to all those who take part
in the program! Congratulations Coach!
Caught Doing Good: OEIB Participates in Leadership Conference

Earlier this month, the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (OEIB) attended the 36th Annual METCO Directors’ Association Conference, where our Chief Equity Officer Manuel J. Fernandez gave the keynote address. Our Director of Family Engagement Robin Harris and Director of Equity Dr. Leslie Jiménez also participated in a panel discussion with Equity Directors from neighboring districts, sharing some of the equity-based initiatives CPS is implementing.
The entire team, including Family Engagement Specialist Debbie Bonilla, Curriculum and Training Specialist Jenny Chung, and Youth Advocacy Specialist Kini Udovicki facilitated powerful conversations around equity dilemmas school districts are facing. In addition, Manuel conducted a workshop exclusively for Superintendents, where he shared how to center equity and advance anti-racist/anti-bias practices in schools.
Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your “Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].
Featured Events
2022-23 JK/K Lottery

The JK/K Lottery for the 2022-2023 school year opens on January 3, 2022 and closes promptly at 4PM on January 31, 2022. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points.
Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC): Community Gathering

Tuesday, December 14 | 6:30-8PM
Cambridge Families of Asian Descent (CFAD) Upcoming Meeting
The Cambridge Families of Asian Descent will hold their next meeting on Thursday, December 16. CFAD is a group of parents, guardians and caregivers who advocate for the increasing visibility fo Asian-Americans in the school curriculum and community.
Thursday, December 16 |7:30-8:30PM
SAVE THE DATE: FY23 Budget Meetings
CPS invites students, families and staff to the FY23 Budget Virtual Community Meetings, where members of the CPS community will join Superintendent Greer and School Committee members to share their perspectives on budget priorities for next year.
FY23 Budget Community Meetings:
Wednesday, February 2| 3-5PM
Thursday, February 3 | 5:30-7:30PM
Saturday, February 12 | 10-12PM
More information on how to register and attend these meetings coming soon!
CRLS Presents Winter A Cappella Jam!

An unforgettable night at the Fitzgerald Theatre. Tickets and more information at Limited reserved seating available.
Saturday, December 18 | 7PM
School Calendar
CPS 2021-22 School calendar
Sunday, November 28-Monday, December 6 | Hanukkah
Friday, December 24-Friday, December 31 | Winter Break
Sunday, December 26 | Kwanzaa Begins
In Case You Missed It: Key Resources
December CPS Lunch Menu: Week 3 (December 13-December 17)
COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
UPDATED CPS Testing & Quarantine Protocols
Student Vaccination Portal: Upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family
Sign Up for the Edulog Bus Tracker New App: Visit CPS’ Transportation webpage
Holiday Gathering Guidance: Safety Tips
Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ