Holiday Weekend, Fall Reopening Guidance

Holiday Weekend, Fall Reopening Guidance
Posted on 05/31/2021
Dear CPS Community,

I hope you are enjoying this long holiday weekend with family and friends. Today, we celebrate Memorial Day with gratitude for the many people who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

We want to remind you that we have two remaining early release days when schools will be dismissed two hours early. Those are on June 9 (Grades JK-5) and June 23, which is the last day of school for all schools.

Looking ahead to fall, we have received state guidance that all Massachusetts school districts will be required to be in-person, full-time, five days each week for the 2021-22 school year. This means families will not have the option of remote learning through CPS this fall. As we learn more information, we will share more details.

See details below for:
  1. Free student breakfast/lunch update
  2. Juneteenth Event
  3. Upcoming Meetings & Events

Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

1. Free Student Breakfast and Lunch Program Extended through June 2022:
Next school year, school breakfast and lunch will be free for all students, regardless of income, due to an extension of the federal program;

2. Community Juneteenth Event:
The Cambridge Families of Color Coalition invites the community to commemorate Juneteenth on June 19th at Starlight Square. There will be live musical performances, dancing and giveaways.

3. Upcoming Meetings & Events
June 5 | 10AM - 12PM, CPS Community Fair, Pisani Center
June 9 | Early Release Day: Grades JK-5
June 9 | HSEP Graduation
June 10 | CRLS Graduation, Danehy Park
June 18 | No School, Juneteenth Observed
June 23 | Early Release Day: All Grades
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