End-of-Year Reminders, Student Vax Party July 14, Looking Ahead

End-of-Year Reminders, Student Vax Party July 14, Looking Ahead
Posted on 06/21/2021

Dear CPS Community -

Throughout this pandemic, the CPS community has continued to demonstrate its resilience, its strength, and its focus on serving the needs of students. On behalf of the entire CPS team, we hope you have a celebratory last week of school and a restorative and restful summer!

If you haven’t already, please make plans to return CPS library books and CPS chromebooks (for those who don’t need them) for summer check-ups. See details below.

CPS and the Cambridge Public Health Department are hosting another Summer COVID-19 Vaccination Party for students ages 12+ and their parents: July 14 (1st dose) and August 4 (2nd dose): both at King Open school from 3 - 7 pm. Register now to make an appointment and sign consent forms, which are required for all students under 18.

This will be the last of CPS’s weekly Monday emails for the school year. You’ll hear from the CPS team again in mid-July and early August with key information for the 2021-22 School Year, which begins on Thursday, September 9. We will once again begin the school year with “listening conferences'' for each family. More information to come from your school in August about how to schedule those appointments.

On August 3 at 6PM, CPS will present an update to the School Committee on plans for Fall 2021, including COVID-19 precautions, key district and school efforts to help students Recover and Thrive this school year, and plans to use federal funding, known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds. During August and September, there will be multiple opportunities for members of the CPS community to share their perspective on these plan

Below you will find some key information about:

  1. Time to Return CPS Library Books
  2. Reminder CPS Chromebook return
  3. June 24 Info Session: Cambridge RISE - Guaranteed Income Pilot initiative
  4. CPS Buildings Operations Adjusted COVID-19 Restrictions
  5. Summer 2021


Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

1. Time to return library books!

It is time to return all school library books. Library books may be returned to your child's school by placing them in the library book return bin, giving them to your child’s teacher, or returning them directly to the school library. Library books may also be returned to any Cambridge Public School and they will make their way back to the correct library. If you have any questions, please email your school’s librarian. Thank you!

2. Reminder: Return Chromebooks for Summer Checkup

All CPS PK-8 Students should return their Chromebook by the last day of school (June 23) or drop it off at the CPS Helpdesk Window at CRLS (corner of Felton St and Broadway) between 8AM - 4PM on June 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 or July 1 and 2. If your student is participating in a CPS summer program and needs their Chromebook, they can return it at the end of the program. There will be no charge for repairing or replacing damaged Chromebooks or chargers.

3. June 24 Info Session: Cambridge RISE - Guaranteed Income Pilot initiative

Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui recently announced that Cambridge will launch the Cambridge RISE (Recurring Income for Success and Empowerment) project, a new Guaranteed Income Pilot Initiative, providing much-needed support for Cambridge’s most vulnerable residents. The initiative will offer $500 no-strings-attached monthly payments to 120 eligible single caretaker households over an 18-month period beginning in August. Participants will be chosen by lottery. Join the Information Session on June 24 at 5:30PM.

4. CPS Buildings Operations Adjusted COVID-19 Restrictions

CPS operational buildings will continue normal operations with the following expectations:

  • CPS Administrative Offices (including Berkshire Street, ICTS, and Student Registration Center) will accept visitors by appointment scheduled by department. See the directory for contact information.
  • School buildings remain closed to the public, including families of students participating in summer programs.

5. Summer 2021 Programs
This summer, CPS has expanded its programing, including an enhanced summer program for elementary students with identified math, literacy, and social-emotional learning needs. CPS has also extended its rental of large tents at some facilities to support outdoor learning, lunch, and other activities. Families participating in summer programs will receive more detailed information about summer COVID-19 protocols, including weekly COVID-19 testing.

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