
The CPS COVID-19 Data Dashboard is intended to share the information used by CPS and the Cambridge Public Health Department to make dynamic determinations about individual, school, and district quarantine needs. See below for details and background.

Community Metrics

CPS Confirmed Cases

CPS Closures

Community Metrics

Daily New Cases

Daily New Confirmed Cases in Cambridge
(rolling 7-day average, per 100,000 individuals)

Positive Rates

Rate of positive COVID-19 tests in Cambridge
(last 14 days)


Wastewater monitoring
Level of COVID-19 found in sewage wastewater in MWRA (61 communities in greater Boston area).

Current School / Classroom Closures

CPS COVID-19 Data (October 2020 - June 2021) 
CPS and the Cambridge Public Health Department work together to confirm and trace cases. Data is updated daily after 4PM with new information as it becomes available.
In-School Staff Testing
April 1, 2021 NOTE: With the April 5th expansion of in-person learning, there will be a change in the numbers of staff in the building. There will be a delay in the posting of staff testing data. We will update this information as soon as we can.


Metric Definition Source Schedule for Updating
1. CPS Confirmed Cases
Confirmed cases are defined as those confirmed by a positive PCR test conducted by or reported to the Cambridge Public Health Department.
CPS and the Cambridge Public Health Department work together to confirm cases. All positive cases are reported to the Mass Department of Public Health. Data can be accessed here.
CPS will update its Dashboard daily around 4PM.
2. Staff participation in COVID-19 testing Percentage of on-site employees participating CPS’s voluntary, free COVID-19 testing offered twice per week. The number of eligible staff used to calculate testing participation is an estimate, and will vary week to week with classroom closures, staff out of the building, and new hiring. PROPzpTesting schedules may differ on weeks when school buildings are closed due to holidays.
Testing and participation data is provided to CPS by the Cambridge Public Health Department
Cambridge Public Health Department will provide this data weekly on Mondays for testing participation the previous week
3. Cambridge Daily New Cases
7-day average of new confirmed cases per day, per 100,000 people in Cambridge Confirmed cases per 100,000 residents is calculated by dividing the average number of newly reported confirmed cases over the last seven days by Cambridge's population size (118,927, based on data from the UMass Donahue Institute). There is a lag in case reporting, so the case rate per 100,000 may retroactively change as additional cases are reported over time.
Data is provided to CPS by the Cambridge Public Health Department and posted on the City’s COVID-19 Data Center
CPS will update its Dashboard daily around 4PM, after the City’s Data Center publishes live updates from the Cambridge Public Health Department
4. Positivity Rate Rate of positive COVID-19 tests in Cambridge
State’s COVID-19 Weekly Public Health Report, published weekly.   CPS will update Dashboard weekly by Friday at 12Noon to reflect the latest data from the state.
5. Wastewater monitoring
The level of COVID-19 found in sewage wastewater in MWRA in 61 communities in the Greater Boston area
MRWA website. Samples are taken three times per week and data is updated irregularly.
CPS checks the data source daily and if updates are available, updates the Dashboard with the latest data after 4PM.


September - December 2020
For the first half of the school year, CPS used a more prescribed approach to decisionmaking. Based on the best knowledge at the time, CPS developed a set of metrics and thresholds, with the recommendations of a scientific advisory panel, that were used to determine if schools would be open for in-person learning.

  • If any of the three metrics surpassed the recommended thresholds it was displayed as orange.
  • If two or more metrics exceeded thresholds, metrics they were displayed as red. If 2 or more metrics exceeded the thresholds, CPS shifted to remote learning for at least 7 days.
  • At least 2 metrics must be below thresholds for 7 days before CPS returns to in-person learning.
As part of a planned update for January 2021, the School Committee adopted Superintendent Salim’s recommendation to align our practices with the recommendations of the “Schools and the Path to Zero: Strategies for Pandemic Resilience in the Face of High Community Spread” framework. This includes shifting away from a prescribed use of metrics and thresholds to make districtwide decisions for opening and closing school for in-person learning. The metrics will continue to be published on this dashboard.
More Information
  • Questions or feedback about the metrics or this dashboard? Send a message to [email protected]. Messages are monitored and routed to the appropriate staff person or scientific advisors for responses. Please refrain from contacting the CPS scientific advisors directly so that we can respect the time they contribute to CPS on a voluntary basis.

  • Questions or feedback about CPS COVID-19 cases or scenarios? Details of individual cases will not be shared publicly in accordance with HIPAA privacy laws. Media questions about COVID-19 cases or case totals should be directed to both Suzy Feinberg and  Jodie Silverman at the Cambridge Public Health Department. Staff and families/caregivers should contact their principals with questions about their school.

  • Questions about what to do in the case of symptoms? Use the What Should I Do? Document for guidance.
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