School Committee Meeting Agenda: October 16, 2018

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting                                                                     
October 16, 2018                                                                 

A G E N D A 

1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:
3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:  
Regular Meeting, September 25, 2018
Regular Meeting, October 2, 2018

4. Reconsiderations:  None
5. Unfinished Business/Calendar: None  

6. Awaiting Reports: 

#18-114 Joint Motion by Mr. Kimbrough and Ms. Nolan, whereas the CPS has included in its district plan a goal to address equity and access and
Whereas a walkout in 2016 on the uncomfortable environment at CRLS as documented by students led to a number of changes and an action plan to address issues of sexual harassment, and
Whereas CPS district outcomes look to measure student/family comfort levels in our schools and meaningful relationships with teachers, and 
Whereas female, LGBTQ+ students at CRLS have written in the register forum on multiple occasions to express their concerns regarding discomfort as a female, LGBTQ+  students at CRLS
be it resolved that the Superintendent will by the Summer meeting: 
1) update the School Committee on the status of work on addressing issues in CRLS and district wide,
2) update the School Committee on our districts professional development regarding supporting our teachers to support our female, LGBTQ+ scholars
3) share specific details about the current work in the district with our male students that addresses hyper 
masculinity and creating anti-sexist spaces for female, LGBTQ+. (5-1-18 C18-137)

#18-143, Joint Motion by Ms. Nolan and Mr. Fantini, that whereas the district has a longstanding goal of program evaluation being used to direct initiatives and whereas the Compass summer program has been in operation for many years with a goal of supporting students, that the district provide a report on any past evaluations of the program effectiveness by the last meeting in June and further that the district ensure that this summer pre and post achievement assessment data for each student enrolled be provided in a report by the first meeting in September.  (5-15-18 C18-170) 

#18-144, Joint Motion by Mr. Fantini and Vice Chair Kelly, whereas strong internship programs have been proven to create success for student career and college aspirations, that the School Committee ask the Superintendent for a report describing our present internship program(s), and the district’s plan to create enhanced internship programs in our schools.  (5-15-18 C18-189)  

#18-248, Joint Motion by Ms. Nolan, that the following be referred to the Superintendent:  Whereas there has been an overall policy on homework and a policy on homework for K-8 students and
Whereas CRLS students have worked to establish a thoughtful homework policy, that the School Committee supports the work and establishes the attached policy for the upcoming school year. The Superintendent will provide a report back to the School Committee by the second Regular meeting in October, 2018. 
Further that the policy be communicated to all staff and students as soon as practicable (first reading). 
(8-7-18 C18-304)

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Presentations:
District Outcomes: Chronic Absenteeism
Carolyn Turk, Deputy Superintendent
James Maloney, Chief Operating Officer
Damon Smith, Principal, CRLS
Ryan Souliotis, Principal, High School Extension
Angeline UyHam, District Design & Innovation Coach

7b. CPS District Plan:

7c. Consent Agenda:

        #18-297 Approval of Agreement between the Cambridge
Safety Specialists Association & the Cambridge School Committee

         #18-298 Day & Residential Progam Services not Available From the
Cambridge School Department  

         #18-299 Contract Award:  Kittredge Equipment:  Cafeteria Kitchen Equipment  

         #18-300 Contract Award:  Gene Thompson-Grove:  Professional Development

         #18-301 Gifts & Miscellaneous Receipts

         #18-302 Grant Award:  Federal Emergency Impact Aid (SC18152)

         #18-303 Grant Award:  FY19 Occupational Educational
Vocational (SC19606)

          #18-304 Grant Award:  VMR-Biotech (SC19151)

8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):  

#18-305  Joint Motion by Committee Member Dexter and Mayor McGovern, whereas good health and nutrition are important for student learning and wellbeing; and 
Whereas CPS has a clear and detailed "Wellness Policy" and "Implementation Guidelines and Procedures"; 
Be it resolved that the School Committee requests that the CPS administration ensure that all educators, administrators, and staff are aware of and adhering to the CPS Wellness Policy and Implementation Guidelines and Procedures, and communicating the policy/guidelines/procedures to parents and caregivers, with particular attention to:
Ensuring that preK-8th grade students are provided with 20 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess every day;
Encouraging non-food birthdays and celebrations;
Encouraging healthy foods and discouraging sugary foods (cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream, popsicles, punch) at classroom events and celebrations, including food brought in by parents.
Making provisions for students to drink water throughout the day;
Sending home snack suggestions in at least four languages.

#18-306 Joint Motion by Committee Member Dexter, Mr. Kimbrough and Mr. Fantini, that whereas it is critical for high school students to arrive to school on time; and
Whereas expensive instructional resources, teacher time in particular, are wasted when students are late to class; and
Whereas MBTA buses from some Cambridge neighborhoods are unreliable, resulting in some students being frequently late to school;
The School Committee requests from the administration an estimate of the cost of providing morning school buses for CRLS students: 1) from all neighborhoods, and 2) from specific neighborhoods poorly served by MBTA buses.  This estimate is requested by December 1, 2018.

#18-307 Motion by Ms. Nolan, that the amount of money allocated for the CRLS Participatory Budgeting project for school year 2018-19 be doubled to $10,000.  

#18-308 Report of the May 31, 2018 Special Education & Student Supports Sub-Committee

#18-309 Report of the October 4, 2018 Communication Sub-Committee 

10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):   None
11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers:

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