Greer Gazette | February 12, 2024

Greer Gazette | February 12, 2024
Posted on 02/12/2024

Greetings CPS Community!

We have had an eventful few weeks as we continue to work on the budget for the next school year. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the community sessions. There will be another opportunity to share your input tomorrow. Please see the registration details below.

Please note that there will not be an issue of the Greer Gazette next Monday. The next issue will be Monday, February 26. Have a wonderful and restful break!

Thank you for your continued support.

Make it Great!
Register for Tomorrow’s Virtual Community Budget Meeting

My Brothers Keeper (MBK) Cambridge will facilitate a community budget process discussion. While this event was scheduled to be held both in-person and virtually, due to tomorrow's forecast for snow, the meeting will only be held virtually.

The Cambridge Public Schools community is welcome to join this engagement/ information session. Students are welcome to participate as well!

  • When: Tuesday, February 13 | 6 - 8PM
  • Where: Virtually
  • To register to attend, click here.
  • The details for accessing the meeting will be sent 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

The 2024-2025 budget aims to align resources to objectives and initiatives outlined in the CPS District Plan. Your feedback is needed to fully inform budget priorities for the upcoming school year. Together, we will briefly review budget basics and the District Plan; attendees will share their thoughts on budget priorities with Administration.

Tips for Understanding the Budget:

  • School Council meetings offer insight into what your school has strategically outlined as a fiscal priority to support learning in their classroom communities. Access upcoming School Council meetings here.
  • Review last Tuesday’s School Committee 2024-2025 Budget Process presentation here.
  • Review Dr. Greer’s Proposed 2024-2025 Budget when it is available Tuesday, March 12.
  • Attend the School Committee Budget Workshop on Thursday, March 14.


Digital Navigator Pilot Program

We are proud to announce that we have partnered with the City of Cambridge, Cambridge Community Television (CCTV), and Just A Start to launch a Digital Navigators Pilot Program, which will address systemic barriers to digital proficiency and access to technology.

The program is designed to support residents’ digital needs by hiring, training, and strategically placing “Navigators” in familiar and welcoming spaces throughout the community to identify and assist residents meet their digital needs, such as:

  • Signing up with low-cost internet providers;
  • Troubleshooting connectivity issues; and
  • Connecting residents to free or low-cost computers, hot spots, or related equipment.

The program will be implemented over the next year. Click here to learn more.

February 6th School Committee Meeting Recap

Highlights include:

Interested in receiving email notifications about meetings? Join the School Committee listserv.

Your Guide to February Break Fun!

The Cambridge Agenda for Children (Out of School Time) has put together a collection of activities, programs, and workshops to help students, Kindergarten through grade 8, to stay engaged during the school break.

DHSP Summer Camps and Programs Lottery...Apply Today!

The city’s Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) is accepting applications for the DHSP Summer Camps and Programs Lottery now through Sunday, March 3.

Program Age Eligible
Community Schools Summer Camps
Kindergarten - 5th grader in September 2024
Cambridge Youth Programs (CYP)
4th - 8th graders in September 2024
*CYP are free for 13-year-olds

Families will be notified of their child’s placement offer in a summer camp/program or waitlist the week of March 25.

Please note that all spots are filled through a lottery process.

  • Apply online no later than Sunday, March 3. (Please note that families with multiple children only need to complete one application.)
  • Questions? Call 617.349.6200 or email [email protected].

Spring Sports Registration Opens Wednesday!

Spring Sports

Registration for Spring Athletics will be open this Wednesday, February 14 and close on March 14 at 11PM.

Scholarship Opportunities

Cambridge Rindge and Latin Scholarship
ScholarshipThe Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Scholarship application is open to CRLS 24’ students now through March 1!

By submitting your application using this portal, you will have the option to also apply to the City of Cambridge Scholarship below.

City of Cambridge Scholarship Application Open Through March 4

For 32 years, the Scholarship Fund has provided financial assistance to college-bound high school seniors and other Cambridge residents who wish to pursue post-secondary education.

As the cost of higher education increases, these scholarships offer financial relief for many.

Interested residents apply online and obtain appropriate signatures before submitting it for consideration. Questions and requests for paper applications via mail can be directed to the Finance Department at 617.349.4220 or [email protected].
Access additional information, including eligibility requirements and FAQs here.
Safety & Security is a Partnership - Review the Playbook

As we begin another semester and new families enroll in the district, we wanted to share information about our safety and security resources. We encourage you to review our Safety & Security Playbook, which is a comprehensive resource that outlines both the caregiver and district roles for preventative safety measures.

In the event of a school or district emergency, we will communicate with you often and CPD will also use their channels to share the latest information. Please understand that in emergency situations, which are continuously changing, accurate information is critical and may take time to gather.
Featured Events & Opportunities
Come by This Thursday’s Community Social!

The Family and Community Engagement team is looking forward to welcoming families at Thursday night’s Community Social! Stop by for resources from the district and community partners. There will also be giveaways, raffles, music, and food. Childcare will be provided.

  • When: Thursday, February 15 | 5:30 - 7:30PM
  • Where: Fletcher Maynard Academy (located at 225 Windsor Street)
  • Registration is encouraged. Please register here.

Questions? Contact Mia Ferej at [email protected]. Access the flyer here.

Foundry Festival

Family Foundry Festival

Looking for free, family-centered fun over February vacation? The Foundry Consortium invites families to join the second annual Family Festival!n the community where they feel comfortable

  • When: February 17 - 24
  • Where: The Foundry (101 Rogers Street, Cambridge)

Embracing this year’s theme of “Change Making”, attendees can experience art, design and STEM programs that drive social change. All ages and skill levels are welcome to participate in
as many activities as they wish! Explore programming here.

Register Today for Rollin’ & Summer Resources!

Believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about summer! All families are invited to attend the Rollin’ & Summer Resources collaborative community event to learn more about the opportunities available to students. There will be food, music, and roller skating. This year we will offer transportation to and from the event from five community locations. Sign up for a bus and register for the event today!

  • When: Saturday, March 2 | 1 - 4PM
    • 1 - 2:30PM: Priority* families’ needs will be centered to provide them with additional time, attention, and space
  • *Priority families include, but are not limited to, families of color, families enrolled in public assistance programs or experiencing being unhoused, have a student with disabilities, or preferred language in not English.
    • 2:30 - 4PM: All families are welcome!
  • Where: Cambridge Street Upper School/King Open Community Complex (located at 830 Cambridge Street)

Questions? Contact Annie Levitt at [email protected] or Debbie Bonilla at [email protected]. Access the flyer here.

Upcoming Free Food Markets

All families are welcome to stop by our free, school-based food markets. They offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and pantry items. Please bring your own bags.

  • **This Thursday, February 15 | 3:15 - 5:15PM (Peabody School/Rindge Avenue Upper School)
  • Tuesday, February 27 | 3 - 4:30PM (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School/Putnam Ave Upper School)
  • Wednesday, February 28 | 1:45 - 3:45PM (Fletcher Maynard Academy)
  • Wednesday, February 28 | 2 - 4PM (Kennedy-Longfellow School/Vassal Lane Upper School)
  • See the full list of free food markets for the 2023-2024 school year.
Celebrating the Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year Mr. Jing’s Chinese level 2 students at CRLS celebrated the Lunar New Year in class last Friday. Students were able to immerse themselves in Chinese culture and learn more about Lunar New Year festivities. Mr. Jing provided students with a variety of cultural activities such as paper cutting, traditional Chinese drawing, calligraphy and more!

Luna New Year

Key Resources

Mark Your Calendar

Monday, February 19 - Friday, February 23
 | February Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on Monday, February 19)
Tuesday, March 5 | Staff Professional Development Day (No School)
Wednesday, March 13 | Early Release  (Grades JK-8)
Friday, March 29 | Good Friday (No School & CPS Offices Closed)

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