District/School Climate Survey

Cambridge Public Schools strives to continue to provide high quality learning experiences that meet the needs of all of our scholars and build welcoming schools. We are excited to share that our school community (families, students, and staff) will have an opportunity to tell us how we are doing in the first District/School Climate Survey since 2020. Your feedback will inform decisions and contribute to the ongoing implementation of our District Plan.

Deadline extended: Please share your feedback by Friday, December 22!

click to take the survey

Family/Caregiver Survey
  • The survey is anonymous, meaning there is no way to connect individuals with their responses.
  • If you have more than one child enrolled in the district, we invite you to take the survey for each child.
  • The survey needs to be completed in a single sitting. You have the option to skip questions.
  • The survey will be available in Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Haitian Creole, and Spanish. To select a language, use the dropdown menu in the top left corner.
We have partnered with Panorama Education for the survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential.

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