In keeping with our commitment to equity, access and inclusion, Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) seeks to provide access to a variety of healthy food options that equitably address the needs of all students. We are excited to announce that beginning in February 2020, CPS will offer menu items that include Halal-certified chicken to our students.
Halal products are derived from animals and/or poultry that have been prepared according to Islamic law, which dictates certain practices primarily pertaining to butchering methods and preparation. Informed by families in our Muslim community and advanced through the efforts of Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and School Committee Vice-Chair Manikka Bowman to make meals in our school kitchens as inclusive as possible, this much-needed option will serve both a nutritional benefit to students who cannot rely on a daily packed lunch from home, as well as promote opportunities for social learning through sharing meals with classmates.
Details about this change are being distributed with February school lunch and breakfast menus.
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