Building Awareness and Engagement with the Building Equity Bridges Findings and Commitments

Building AwarenessOne of our central goals for this year is to share the Building Equity Bridges Barriers and Commitments far and wide! We will be holding community events to share information about the BEB project, the Barriers to Equity and Commitments, and begin a conversation about how the barriers live in each school.

In October and November we held the first of these community events at the RAUC/Peabody/Baldwin Triad in partnership with the parent-led Courageous Conversations Group. Families, educators, and community members spent one session learning about the Building Equity Bridges project and the Barriers to Equity and a second session imagining how these barriers can be disrupted in their own school communities. The Courageous Conversations work continues this spring, grounded in this initial work.

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A focus of this year is creating more opportunities for folks to get involved and build community and connection around equity work and equitable practice.

Second CPAR Cohort
A second cohort of Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) for educators is running this year as a part of the CPS professional development choice course system. Educators will design their own research projects based on their experience and the experiences of their students.
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