Sense Making Teams

What are SMTs
SMTsSense Making Teams (SMTs) are groupings of people working across difference (identity, role, organization, perspective etc.) who came together to “make meaning” of the evidence that we collected through the grant.

The Teams

5 Sense Making Team Launches were held over the summer including a Youth Sense Making Team. Approximately 100 people participated in the intro sessions.

4 smaller teams met monthly from November-May to consider various data on different themes.

  1. Student - Educator Relationships
  2. Educators of Color Recruitment/Retention/Experience
  3. Academic/Learner Experiences
  4. Behavior/Discipline Disparities
View Findings
What People are Saying About This Experience


“It is giving me a little hope that maybe CPS will begin the structural and environmental changes necessary to reach and teach all scholars at a high level.”

“There is power in a shared view.” “It is always useful to revisit our practice.” “We have had enough time to build as a group to be able to really dig into the root causes together.”

“It has allowed me to gain insight on issues I notice everyday.”

“I feel less frustrated talking about this/topics relating to this than I usually do.”

 “Zooming out is overwhelming and can be isolating and paralyzing; this helps.”

 “It gives me hope that we will be seeing change/helping to bring the change.”

 “My two partners in the root cause analysis fishbone bring me hope and joy.”
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