From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee
School Committee - Regular Meeting
December 19, 2017
1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):
2. Student School Committee Report:
3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
4. Reconsiderations: None
5. Unfinished Business/Calendar:
#17-273, Joint Motion by Ms. Dexter and Ms. Bowman, that whereas the School Committee and CPS administration have prioritized expanding and strengthening family and community partnerships; and
Whereas annual School Committee budget discussions held in public, along with public hearings at which family and community members are invited to speak, influence how educational resources and opportunities are distributed to CPS schools and students in the following year; and
Whereas not all family or community members can easily attend public meetings due to childcare responsibilities, physical disabilities, work schedules, lack of transportation, and other circumstances;
Therefore be it resolved that the School Committee will seek to increase community participation in the budgetary process by expanding community engagement efforts for the FY19 budget discussions by:
1) Providing childcare at budget hearings and publicizing childcare availability on notices about budget hearings;
2) Assessing the need for language interpreters, including sign language interpreters at meetings;
3) Holding at least one budget hearing on a Saturday in a location other than the School Committee Meeting Room;
4) Broadcasting, livestreaming, and video-archiving all budget-related roundtable discussions, workshops, retreats, and special meetings.
These rules will apply to the FY19 budget convenings, to be reviewed for permanent status in Fall, 2018. (Mr. Fantini 11-21-17)
6. Awaiting Reports: None
7. Superintendent’s Agenda:
7a. Presentations: None
7b. Innovation Agenda:
7c. Consent Agenda:
#17-291 Response to AFSCME Council 93, Local 1611
Level III Grievance
#17-292 Approval of Revisions to Cambridge Public Schools
Criminal Offender Record Information Policy (Second Reading)
#17-293 Day & Residential Program Services not Available
From the Cambridge School Department
#17-294 Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts
#17-295 Contract Award: Favorite Healthcare Staffing:
Special Education Services
#17-296 Grant Award: Innovation Lab-Ctr for Artistry
& Scholarship (SC18142) Increase
#17-297 Grant Award: FY18 Expanded Learning Time
(SC18829) Increase
8. Non-Consent Agenda:
9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#17-298 Motion by Ms. Dexter, that whereas the Cambridge Public Schools strive to support equitable access to all aspects of the school program, including meals that are healthy for each individual child; the whole-child development of all CPS students, including their physical health and wellness; and values family and community engagement;
And whereas 2014-15 data from the Cambridge Public Health Department indicate that almost one-third (31%) of CPS K-8 students are overweight, and that this percentage is higher for students in some demographic groups and is associated with income inequality;
Therefore be it resolved that the School Committee requests that the administration establish a parent and community food advisory group to provide feedback and advice about food and beverages served in Cambridge schools; that this group meet at least four times per school year in meetings open to the public; and that all parents be informed about the group and its meeting times.
Be it further resolved that;
The administration will seek out the recommendation of the Cambridge Public Health Department regarding drinks served in school cafeterias to ensure that they do not contribute to childhood obesity and diabetes;
Be it further resolved that all parents will be reminded, twice per year, that they have the option to limit the types of foods and drinks their children purchase in school cafeterias, and instructed on how to communicate these restrictions to the school staff.
Be it further resolved that the administration will provide the School Committee with data on student weight that is gathered annually by physical education teachers and school nurses and provided to the Cambridge Department of Public Health.
[Strategic Goals #1, #2, and #4]
#17-299 Joint Motion by Ms. Nolan and Mr. Harding, whereas the School Committee supports student voice and encourages involvement in the school district, and whereas the CRLS Black Students Union has sought to document the experience of students of color to raise awareness within the community, and whereas new CPS teacher and BSU advisor Kevin Dua has engaged students in creative ways to amplify students voice, the School Committee supports those efforts to engage students and start difficult conversations about race and identity and the student experience.
#17-300 Motion by Mr. Fantini, in order to provide a well rounded educational experience for all of our student’s;
And whereas some student’s have financial hardships in order for them to participate in field trips;
That the Superintendent provide financial support to all schools that do not have sufficient funds to pay for school busses.
#17-301 Motion by Ms. Bowman, whereas the School Committee seeks to identify effective ways to communicate with Cambridge Public School stakeholders for the purpose of informing the public on the CPS District Planning Framework in addition to the overall work of the district;
And whereas the Cambridge School Committee sees the importance of using as well as understanding the challenges and opportunities of effectively communicating in a rapidly changing technological environment,
Therefore be it resolved that the Cambridge School Committee form a Communication Sub-Committee to work with the superintendent and key district leadership to identify strategic communication efforts that will assist the district in effectively engaging the public on key initiatives within the district.
#17-302 Motion by Mr. Harding, that the Superintendent schedule a roundtable with the CRLS Athletic Director, CRLS coaches and athletic staff to discuss the concerns and issues that CRLS coaches have expressed around the athletic programs. Further that this request is supporting a previously passed Order by the School Committee. This roundtable should be scheduled by May of 2018.
10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):
#17-303 Motion by Mr. Harding, that Mr. Harding would like to express his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of the students, teachers, and school administration that he has worked with over his fifteen years of service on the School Committee. In particular, he extends his thanks for the support of Dr. Carolyn Turk, Deputy Superintendent of Schools; Mr. James Maloney, Chief Operating Officer; Ms. Claire Spinner, Chief Financial Officer and Ms. Barbara Allen, Executive Director of Human Resources. A special thanks is also extended to the exceptional School Committee Staff, whose hard work and guidance has assisted him immensely during his time of service on School Committee: Ms. Marilyn Bradshaw, Ms. Patricia Berry, Ms. Judith Martin and Ms. Dosha Beard.
And further that he would also like to express his gratitude and appreciation to his fellow colleagues that have served with him on the School Committee: Ms. Cronin, Mr. Grassi, Mr. Lummis, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Price, Ms. Schuster, Ms. Tauber, Ms. Turkel and Ms. Walser.
Mr. Harding sends special recognition to his current colleagues on the Committee. They are held in high esteem and will be remembered with great respect and admiration: Ms. Bowman, Ms. Dexter, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Nolan and of course “the Dean” Mr. Fantini whose leadership has been immeasurable.
And further that Mr. Harding would like to also extend extraordinary appreciation to the Mayors who have worked with him during his time on the School Committee that have helped to make sure that the Cambridge Public Schools purpose is to provide an excellent education for all children: Mayor Henrietta Davis, Mayor David Maher, Mayor Kenneth Reeves, Mayor Simmons and Mayor Sullivan.
Further that Mr. Harding asks all of his colleagues to continue to work diligently and with passion on behalf of all of the children in the Cambridge Public Schools and that they continue to be guided by the words of Nelson Mandela – “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
11. Announcements:
12. Late Orders: