DDM Resources

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is the difference between a Student Learning Goal and a DDM?
    Student Learning Goals reflect agreed knowledge/skills that answer the question; what do I want my students to know or be able to do as a direct result on my instruction? DDMs are measures of teacher impact on student  learning, growth, and achievement. This determination is separate from and not a part of the summative rating. The impact rating only impacts the length of the educator plan.

  2. Why do we have both a Student Learning Goal and District Determined Measures?
    One reason is that State regulations require both. A second reason is that the two are designed to work together to provide educators a shared framework in which to be reflective about both educator growth and student achievement.

  3. Who will submit DDM data?
    All educators, each year are required to submit DDM data.

  4. Can a teacher use/request to use an assessment from earlier in the year?
    Yes, as long as the assessment is from the current school year and is being used with the current group of students.

  5. How will teachers submit their evidence/artifacts/data to the evaluator?
    All evidence/artifacts/data may be uploaded into TeachPoint.
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