The King Open School is an inclusive learning community that supports academic achievement and equity through culturally-responsive learning experiences that explore in-depth themes and projects. Students pursue themes such as the U.S. Constitution, the Charles River, Resistance to Slavery and Immigration. Students read nonfiction, historical fiction and primary sources inspiring projects such as map-making, playwriting and mock citizenship tests.
Students extend their learning through curriculum-driven field trips, such as attending a Mock Boston Massacre Trial at Faneuil Hall, traveling to Plimouth Plantation, exploring the battlefields of Lexington and Concord and taking hikes along the Charles River.
King Open is home to the Olá English-Portuguese two-way immersion program. Olá students develop academic excellence through proficiency in reading, writing and speaking in both languages. Portuguese study continues through 8th grade at Cambridge Street Upper School.
King Open Extended Day (KOED) is the school’s unique after school program through collaboration with the Department of Human Services. Extended Day creates explicit links between in-school and out-of-school learning experience. Academic supports are offered with a more holistic focus on children’s social and emotional development.
Signature programs:
- Two-Way Immersion
- Project-Based Learning