The Upper School Program reflects a thoughtful balance between providing students with greater freedom and choice as they enter early adolescence, while preserving the closeness and community that is so vital at this stage in their development. With approximately 88 - 100 students per grade level, the district’s four Upper Schools and the Amigos Upper School program are united by a shared curriculum and structure that fosters consistent academic excellence and equity for all students.
The Upper Schools are united by district-wide common curricula that ensures students access high quality and cognitively demanding learning experiences. Our expert educators collaborate both within their schools and across the district so that they have the opportunity to add their own perspectives and skills, allowing each school to have its own personality.
In addition to the core curriculum, students have the opportunity to make choices in their study of world language, visual and performing arts, electives, and more.
Students enjoy out-of-school time options including clubs, citywide arts and intramurals, and access to community-based resources, facilitated by a shared daily schedule.
The Upper School Program offers students in grades 6 through 8:
- A challenging math curriculum that engages students in problem-based lessons, conceptual understanding, fluency and growth mindset.
- An inquiry-centered, inclusive social studies curriculum where students investigate ancient societies, world religions, and civics, culminating with student-led civic engagement projects in 8th grade.
- English Language Arts (ELA) instruction is grounded in empowering every scholar to use literacy as a tool for communication, self-expression, access, and advocacy. Through the Fishtank Learning Curriculum, all scholars engage with rigorous, complex texts that represent diverse authors and perspectives, developing their independence and creativity as readers, speakers, writers, and critical thinkers.
- A choice of language: French or Spanish at all Upper Schools, plus Portuguese at CSUS, and Mandarin at PAUS.
- Introductory visual and performing arts for all and advanced electives in technical theater, band, orchestra, chorus, and drama.
- A rich, hands-on science curriculum that actively engages students in figuring out engaging phenomena and is enhanced by field experiences at local nature areas and biotechnology companies.
- Robust technology for learning, including 1:1 Chromebooks for students and classrooms equipped with interactive projectors.
- Enriching after school programs such as school plays, intramural sports, citywide music, theater groups, Debate Team, and Model United Nations.