Welcome to the January 3rd Professional Development Homepage!
We are excited to give you this opportunity to work with your teams and build your expertise. Please find your department link on the list below and click to be redirected to the appropriate informational page. Have a fantastic day!
- Coaches and interventionists: Attend the grade or content level that is most closely aligned with your role.
- Dual language teachers: Attend the grade or content level that is most closely aligned with your role.
- All Unit A and B educators are scheduled for PD on January 3. If you do not find where you should report, please reach out to either your curriculum coordinator or principal for clarification.
- In an effort to mitigate some parking challenges, you will be able to park in school bus lanes in front of, or on the side of schools.
- In the event that we have inclement weather, our January 3 PD sessions will be held virtually. You will be notified by normal school cancellation means should we shift to virtual sessions, otherwise, plan to be in-person on January 3.
Morning Session
8:20 - 11:20AM
Please report to your regular home school location.
In the event of inclement weather, please use these Google/Zoom links (links will be posted here soon!) for morning school-based sessions; to open that link, you must be logged into Google with your CPS email.
Afternoon Session
12:20 - 2:45PM
Note: To open links, you must be logged into Google with your CPS email.
Junior Kindergarten >>
Kindergarten >>
Grade 1 >>
Grade 2 >>
Grade 3 >>
Grade 4 >>
Grade 5 >>
Grades 6-8 >>
Grades 9-12 >>
Ed Tech >>
Health & Wellness >>
Library Media >>
VPA >>
World Language >>
OSS >>
Special Start >>
Social Work & Guidance >>
MLL, ESL, SEI Interventionists >>