Greetings CPS Community!
I hope you had a great first weekend of December! It’s hard to believe 2023 is just a few weeks away.
As we prepare for the new year, our leadership team is looking ahead to the 2024 Fiscal Year. At tomorrow’s School Committee Meeting, we will present the timeline for the 2024 Budget process, which will begin with community engagement sessions. At next Tuesday’s Special Meeting of the School Committee, my team and I will present the proposed targets for our student outcomes in Literacy, Math, On-Track Graduation, and Graduating Ready for College & Careers.
I am grateful to the Family Engagement Office for putting on a wonderful Caregiver Equity Summit on Saturday! We appreciate everyone who attended and truly value the insight our families provided by participating in our workshops. Your input is helping us in achieving our promise of an equitable education for each of our students.
Thank you for your continued support.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Student Safety: Practicing Lockdown Drills
Each of our schools will do a lockdown drill before winter break. The purpose of a lockdown drill is to prepare our schools in the event there is a security threat inside the school. While this is highly unlikely, it is important that our students and staff practice and are well-informed about how to properly lockdown as a part of our emergency preparedness planning. Lockdown drills are done twice a school year at every school. You can read more about our Emergency Procedures here.
Successful Caregiver Equity Summit
We are thrilled about the turnout at this weekend’s Caregiver Equity Summit! Families came together at the Cambridge Street Upper School Community Complex to participate in workshops and brainstorm how the district can support all of our students and you. We also gave out some cool CPS “swag”, including pens, pencils, and stickers!

Junior Kindergarten/Kindergarten Lottery

The JK/K Lottery for the 2023-2024 school year will open on January 3, 2023 and close on January 31, 2023. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points.
Learn More >>
Hands-on History Lesson
Ms. Lindmark’s 4th grade class at the Kennedy-Longfellow School recently took a field trip to the Peabody Museum at Harvard. Students explored how Native Nations of North America lived and how they used the land. It was a great hands-on learning experience!
Fall Fun at Haggerty!
Before Thanksgiving break, the Haggerty School held its Fall Fun Day in the gymnasium! Students in Junior Kindergarten through 3rd grade took turns with collaborative games using scooters, noodles, and a huge beach ball. Fourth and 5th graders had a blast playing volleyball!

Tobin Turkey Trot
Thank you to all of the families who came out to cheer on our students and staff at Tobin Montessori School! Not only did everyone have a great time, but families also donated a total of 176 food items to the Cambridge Community Center.

Featured Events
Visual and Performing Arts to Perform Hit Musical…9 to 5! Reserve Your Tickets Today!

There is still time to attend the hit musical of the school year… 9 to 5, performed by our very own CRLS Musical Theater Stars and directed by Monica Murray! Our amazing actors, tech crew, dancers, and team had a successful opening weekend sharing song, dance, and joy through the power of musical theater! We hope to see you at this exciting and fun musical event next weekend! All performances will be at the Fitzgerald Theater and Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School located at 459 Broadway.
Friday, December 9 | 7PM
Saturday, December 10 | 7PM
Sunday, December 11 | 2PM
PURCHASE TICKETS HERE (Limited sales at door, cash only)
- Student, Children, and Senior Tickets: $5
- Adult Tickets: $10
Workshop:Teaching Your Child Self-Advocacy

The Village, Cambridge Family of Color Coalition (CFCC), and the Family Engagement Office present the Advocating for Your Child Workshop: Teaching Your Child Self-Advocacy.
Co-facilitators Bernette Dawson and Kim Bostic will share invaluable information to help guide your child to self-advocate and find solutions that will work to meet their educational needs.
Wednesday, December 7 | 6 - 7PM (Virtual)
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, December 26 - Monday, January 2 | Winter Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on December 26 & 30 & January 2)
Tuesday, January 3 | Staff Professional Learning Day (No School)
Monday, January 16 | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Monday, February 20 - Friday, February 24 | February Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on Monday, February 20)
Key Resources