Greetings Cambridge Community and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our community meetings and completed the survey to support the development of the FY23 budget. My team and I will be finalizing the budget over the next few weeks. I will present the proposed budget at a School Committee Special Meeting on Thursday, March 17.
At tomorrow’s School Committee meeting I will share an update on CRLS’ Culture & Climate work. Our Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging will make a presentation and engage the Committee in discussion about the work they have been facilitating this year.
As a reminder, schools will give out a take home rapid test to every student and staff member this week for February break. It is expected that the test will be taken on Sunday, February 27, the day before school reopens. Please see below for additional information. On February 28, our new at-home testing option will begin. If you are interested in opting in, please complete the form in the CPS Family Portal as soon as possible. For more information on both of these plans, please visit www.cpsd.us/covid19/covidtesting.
Thank you for your engagement and support.
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
At-Home Testing: February Break

This week CPS will provide every student and staff member with an at-home rapid test. CPS expects that every student will use the test on Sunday, February 27, the day before school reopens on Monday, February 28. If your child tests positive, please notify the school. We want to emphasize that reporting a positive test result will be critical in continuing to keep our schools safe. For more information, visit www.cpsd.us/covid19/covidtesting.
OPT-IN TODAY! At-Home Weekly Testing Begins Monday, February 28

CPS will implement its new at-home testing option on Monday, February 28. Students and staff members who opt-in will be able to rapid test at home weekly.
- ANY student or staff member can participate in the new at-home rapid testing program regardless of vaccination status.
- The testing program is VOLUNTARY. Opt-in through the CPS Family Portal.
- Participating students will receive a kit every 2 weeks; each kit will contain 2 tests and instructions for using the self-test.
For more information, visit www.cpsd.us/covid19/covidtesting.
February Break Fun...In-Person and Virtual Options!
CPS, in collaboration with Agenda for Children’s Cambridge Out-of-School Time Coalition, is offering a variety of engaging learning opportunities during next week’s break! From cooking to music to indoor rock climbing, check out all the wonderful options.
Elementary School Activities
Middle School February Break Activities and Beyond
Apply Now to Join the 2022 Equity Collaborative
The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (OEIB) is excited to announce the launch of this year’s Equity Collaborative. If you are a student, educator or caregiver that is interested in implementing an equity-based project or event this Spring, please apply to be a part of the Equity Collaborative! Applications must be submitted by midnight tonight.
Haitian Creole
Help Us Support You to Support Your Child
We want to support you! Our Family Engagement Office is putting together a variety of parent workshops,
classes and events to help our families support their children. Please complete the survey below to share the
types of programming you would find most helpful.
Haitian Creole
CPS Recruiting Substitute Teachers!

CPS is recruiting day-to-day substitute teachers for all grade levels and for Special Education. Applicants must complete a CORI check, be fingerprinted and vaccinated.
- Bachelor’s Degree requirement waived for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Must have some educational experience
- Pay Rate: $161.59/day
NEW High School Health Credit Requirement for Class of 2026
On Tuesday, February 1, the School Committee voted to make two important updates to the Cambridge Public Schools high school graduation requirements, beginning with the Class of 2026 (next year’s freshman).
First, this decision increases the Health requirement from 5 to 15 credits, meaning all students will receive an additional semester of health courses in their junior year. The Health and Wellness Department will collaborate with students to develop the new curriculum, which will have an emphasis on consent and sexual assault prevention.
Second, this decision updates the student athletes waiver policy. Student athletes may continue to apply for waivers from physical education course requirements but not health course requirements. This will help ensure all students receive the same instruction on these important issues.
Scholarship Opportunities for Seniors
CRLS Scholarship Application
The CRLS Scholarship application opens tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1. Friends of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (FOCRLS) will award scholarships totaling $75,250 in 2022. Please visit https://crls.cpsd.us/ to apply.
The City of Cambridge Scholarship Program is accepting applications!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to college-bound high school seniors and other Cambridge residents who wish to pursue post-secondary education.
Apply at Cambridgema.gov/cityscholarship
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a resident of Cambridge
- Must be attending, received admittance to or have an application pending at an accredited education institution beyond high school level prior to award date of May 2022
- Scholarship is paid directly to education institution and must be used during the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Prior recipients are NOT eligible as the City Scholarship Award is one-time only.
COVID-19 Updates
We have made several updates to CPS’ COVID-19 Safety & Facilities Procedures Manual.
The manual has been updated to align with recent decisions, including, but not limited to
The discontinuation of Test and Stay and contract tracing beginning Monday, February 28.
- A2: Maintain Vigilance About COVID-19 Symptoms Regardless of Vaccination Status
- A3: Permission to Enter CPS Buildings
- A4: COVID Testing Is A Vital Prevention Strategy
- B3: Individuals Who Test Positive For COVID-19 Must Self-Isolate
- B5: Procedure When A Close Contact Tests Positive
- B6: Travel Policies
- Appendix 2: COVID Monitoring, Response and Notification Procedures
COVID-19 Vaccine, Booster Shot, and Testing Opportunities
CPS COVID Vaccination Requirement: CPS requires all students 12 and older to participate in CPS-sponsored before and after school activities. Submit your vaccination through the secure Family Portal to participate.
CPHD Hosting Vaccine Clinic
- Children (ages 5+) and adults are invited to COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Reservoir Church (170 Rindge Avenue) on Wednesday, February 16 and Wednesday, March 9 from 3 - 6PM.
- Get your first, second or booster dose. Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be offered.
- Register here. Walk-ins welcome. For more information and language translations, click here.
Other COVID Vaccination Opportunities:
- All ages welcome at POP-UP Vaccine Clinic with Boston Medical Center at Prospect Hill Academy Charter School: 1st dose-Monday, February 7, 2nd dose-Wednesday, March 2, Complete consent form here.
- Booster shots available for CRLS students at Teen Health Center: Every Tuesday from 8:30AM - 3PM, Appointment required-call 617-665-1548 or stop by center.
- Who’s eligible? CRLS students who received 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine 5 or more months ago OR 2nd Moderna COVID vaccine 6 or more months ago.
- Go toVaxFinderto find a location near you.
- VaxAbilities hosts disability-friendly vaccine clinics with specialized staff to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs. Registerhere for upcoming clinics.
Caught Doing Good
Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your
“Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].
Featured Events
After Nearly 3 Years, JK-8 Art Exhibition Returns to MCAC!
Beginning today and through Friday, March 4, JK-8 will be showcasing their art work at the Multicultural Arts Center (MCAC). The show is in-person with a virtual component coming soon!
Advocating for Your Child Workshop
You are the most important advocate for your child’s education. Please join the Office of Student Services to learn how you can advocate for your child’s advanced learning needs. We will discuss tips on how to help your child self-advocate and how to work with the teacher to advocate for your child.
Wednesday, February 16 | 6-6:45PM
School Calendar
CPS 2021-22 School calendar
Monday, February 21 - Friday, February 25 | February Break
Wednesday, March 16 | Early Release Day-JK-8 Only
Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 | April Break
In Case You Missed It: Key Resources
2022-23 JK/K Lottery: Closed for the 2022-23 school year; If you are interested in registering your child, visit our registration webpage for more information.
February Lunch Menu: Week 3 (February 14-February 18)
COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
Student Vaccination Portal: Upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family Portal.
Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ
CPS Quarantine Instructional Guidelines for SY2021-22
Free Internet for Qualifying Families: Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program
Video of the Week
We just love this!
Check out Fletcher Maynard's 1st grade rendition of "Lift Every Voice and Sing," directed by
Ms. Pelhe with Principal Rounds on the piano!