Message from Superintendent Greer: November 15, 2021

Message from Superintendent Greer: November 15, 2021
Posted on 11/15/2021

victoria greerMessage from Superintendent Greer

Greetings CPS community!


We are delighted to announce that our Student Vaccination Portal’s first week open has been very successful! If you have not done so already, please upload proof of vaccination or an exemption request. For more details go to:


We encourage students, families and the community-at-large to participate in the Department of Public Health’s second COVID-19 and flu vaccination clinic on Wednesday, December 1 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the King Open School.

Please note that this Wednesday is an Early Release Day for all JK-8 schools.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, please review CPS’ updated COVID-19 travel policy below.

Make it Great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer

Interim Superintendent

Cambridge Public Schools

COVID Questions of the Week 

vax graphic

See the full FAQ about student vaccinations here.


What is CPS’ position on vaccines for children ages 5 - 11?

CPS is pleased that the CDC has approved vaccinations for this age group and strongly encourages families to have their eligible children vaccinated. CPS has not yet set a timeline for any vaccination requirement for this age group. Families can access vaccinations through their pediatrician, pharmacies, the upcoming vaccination clinics on Wednesday, December 1 and through the Vax Finder.


As we approach the holidays, has CPS updated its travel policy?

CPS’ Health, Safety and Facilities Working Group has made some revisions to the district’s travel policy.

  • For both vaccinated and unvaccinated students and staff traveling domestically (within the United States), please get tested prior to travel and 3-5 days after your return.
  • For those travelling internationally, vaccinated individuals should get tested 3-5 days after return. Unvaccinated individuals should test 3-5 days after travel AND quarantine for 7 days. If unvaccinated individuals are not tested, they should be quarantined for 10 days after travel.

Please see details in the district’s COVID-19 Safety and Facilities Manual.

vax graphicStudent Vaccinations   

See the full FAQ about student vaccinations here.

CRLS PSA: “Cool People Get Vaccinated”


The launch of the Student Vaccination Portal Beginning has been successful! If you have not done so already, please upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family Portal. As a reminder, please do not share this information via email with school staff.

Pfizer and Flu Vaccine Clinics 

vax graphic


Last Wednesday’s vaccine clinic was incredibly successful, with close to 800 children, ages 5-11, receiving their first dose of the COVID vaccine. We are grateful to the Cambridge Department of Public Health for their tremendous efforts and continued partnership.



The second clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1 from 3:30PM to 7:30PM at the King Open School located at 850 Cambridge Street.


**Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged.**



2020-21 Teen Health Survey 

The Cambridge Public Health Department and Cambridge Public Schools have released summary results from the 2021 Cambridge Middle Grades and Teen Health Survey. The survey, which is conducted regularly to assess the health behaviors of our middle and high school students, was administered online in May 2021. We have taken a deeper dive into the results, which will be presented at the School Committee School Climate Sub-Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 30 at 6:00 p.m.


To review the 2021 survey data, please visit the CPS website.

Apply for Child Tax Credit

Deadline Extended: People who make low or no income can sign up for the Child Tax Credit at any time through November 15. Get up to $1800 per child this year.

Apply with Code For America’s new simple sign-up tool. Learn more at

Eligible individuals could receive up to thousands of dollars:

  • Up to $1800 with the Child Tax Credit per child for this year
  • Access to all 3 three Stimulus Payments for individuals and/or eligible children/ dependents (between $600-$3200 per person) if they did not get them

This money does not count for SNAP, TAFDC, MassHealth, SSI, public housing or most other benefits. If families do not sign up by November 15, they can apply in early 2022.

caught doing goodCaught Doing Good

On November 4, 47 Rindge Avenue Upper School student athletes competed in the City Championship Cross Country Meet. 
Every single runner crossed the finish line and we placed first in both the male and female races! 

Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your “Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].

jkkFeatured Events

2022-23 JK/K Registration Information Sessions


The JK/K Lottery for the 2022-2023 school year opens on January 3, 2022 and closes promptly at 4PM on January 31, 2022. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points.


Please consider attending this week’s information session to learn more about the process.


Wednesday, November 17 | 6-7PM


CPS 2021-22 School calendar


Wednesday, November 17 | Early Release Day: JK-8 Only

Wednesday, November 24 | Early Release Day, All Schools

Thursday, November 25-Friday, November 26 | Schools Closed, Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 28-Monday, December 6 | Hanukkah

Monday, November 29 | Student Vaccination Requirement for CPS Sponsored Afterschool Activities Takes Effect

Sunday, December 26 | Kwanzaa Begins

Friday, December 24-Friday, December 31 | Winter Break

In Case You Missed It: Key Resources 

Monthly CPS Lunch Menu: November 2021

COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log-in to the Family Portal

CPS Quarantine & Testing Protocols: English | Amharic | Arabic | Bengali | Haitian Creole | Spanish

Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ
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