Superintendent Greer's Entry Plan

The Cambridge School Committee has charged me, as the incoming interim superintendent, with continuing the great work that has been undertaken, ensuring that EVERY scholars’ needs are met and preparing the district for continuous improvement in innovation and achievement for our students and community.

During the selection process, the Cambridge School Committee and the overall community communicated its priorities for leadership qualities sought in an interim superintendent. Those qualities included excellent communication and collaboration with stakeholders, holding high expectations for students and staff, and ensuring leadership and continuity of education and services by the Cambridge Public Schools.

QuoteCambridge Public Schools (CPS) is viewed across the Commonwealth and nation as a hub for innovation and education. This reputation and aspiration highlights the opportunity that the district has to be even greater in the coming years.


The purpose of the entry plan is to establish a set of intentional and inclusive activities that will guide the transition of the new interim superintendent into CPS. This process is designed to enable me, as the new Interim Superintendent, to gather information quickly about the evolving community and district; establish a strong community presence early on; to create ideas for sustaining (building on the current work) and strengthening CPS for the future; to identify critical issues; and to create a network of collaborative partners.

This plan outlines the specific strategies that I will take as the Interim Superintendent to develop a deep understanding of what CPS is doing well, what areas CPS can improve and how community stakeholders, including students, educators, staff, families, and partners, can advise me in these areas.

The information and perspectives gathered during this process will inform not only my transition, but the development of budget plans for both federal funds (ESSERIII) and CPS’s general budget, as well as the multi-year district plan.
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