April Expansion of In-Person Learning, Interim Chief Equity Officer, FY22 Budget Proposal

April Expansion of In-Person Learning, Interim Chief Equity Officer, FY22 Budget Proposal
Posted on 03/16/2021

Dear CPS Community,

Next month, CPS will transition to full-time, in-person learning for students at the elementary and upper school levels due to new state requirements. All families still have the option for their children to participate in fully remote learning. Elementary families with remote learners and all upper school families should have received an enrollment form which is due this Wednesday, March 17. More details below.

We are also planning for the summer and school year ahead. I am excited to share that I have appointed Manuel Fernandez, current Head of the Cambridge Street Upper School, as the Interim Chief Equity Officer for the upcoming 2021-22 school year. I am grateful that Manuel has accepted this appointment and that CPS will be able to benefit from his leadership, passion and expertise. Learn more about Manuel below.

Later this week, I will present my proposed FY22 budget to the School Committee, which builds on the investments we’ve made in recent years and focuses on key actions needed to support all students to recover and thrive next school year and beyond.

We encourage everyone in our community to get the COVID-19 vaccine when they become eligible. Last week, the Cambridge Health Alliance generously made 100 vaccines available to the CPS community. We partnered with the Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) to make these vaccines available to CPS food service, custodial and safety staff, bus drivers and monitors, and technology support staff, who work tirelessly to support our students and staff. We very much wish that we had access to additional vaccine doses for many more members of our staff. Cambridge and the CPHD continue its advocacy with the state for additional vaccine supply so that a dedicated Cambridge site for vaccinations could be established for staff.

See below for more details on:

  • Appointment of Interim Chief Equity Officer
  • Launch of “COVID Conversations” March 24, 6pm
  • Family Enrollment Form Due March 17th
  • Mask Up! Fit, Filtration, Wearability
  • Upcoming Meetings & Events

Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

Manuel Fernandez: Appointment of Interim Chief Equity OfficerAppointment of Interim Chief Equity Officer
Manuel Fernandez will begin his tenure as Interim Chief Equity Officer on July 1, 2021. Manuel is the current and founding Head of the Cambridge Street Upper School. Manuel is recognized by many in and outside of Cambridge for his expertise and equity-driven leadership. He brings to the administration a deep commitment to equity and anti-racism work from his work as a school principal, consultant and thought leader. His responsibility as interim Chief Equity Officer will be to help build and oversee the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, coach school and district leaders, and serve as a member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet leadership team.

Launch of COVID Conversations, March 24, 6PM
Register now!

Family Enrollment Form Due March 17th
The state-required shift to full-time, in-person learning requires the district to provide two options to families: 1) Full-time, in-person learning (full day, five days per week), or 2) Full-time, remote learning (full day, five days per week).

  • Elementary schools and Amigos start Monday, April 5.
    • Current in-person learners: No action needed. Your student(s) will be automatically included in the full-day, five days a week schedule.
    • Current remote learners: You must complete the enrollment form to select in-person or remote learning for your student. If we do not hear from you, your student(s) will continue in remote learning.
  • Upper schools start Wednesday, April 28.
    • All families must complete the enrollment form to select in-person or remote learning for your student. If we do not hear from you, your student will continue in their current instruction mode.
  • High school details have not yet been set by the state. We will share more information when details become available.

Schools are working on the complicated puzzle of developing schedules that accommodate family interests, staff accommodations, and support both in-person and remote learners. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Physical setup: The state requires that classrooms will be set up for at least 3 feet physical distancing and at least 6 feet physical distancing during mealtimes
  • Classroom assignments: Shifting to in-person may mean that your child changes teachers or classrooms. You cannot request a specific teacher or classrooms and you might not find out your child’s teacher or classroom configuration until schedules are finalized.
  • Possibility of live-streaming: Depending on staffing and space considerations, 'in-person' learning may include being taught by an in-person teacher or learning through a CPS device with instruction being provided by a teacher who is still remote.
  • “COVID-19 Hardship Process” on Hold: Families of current remote learners can submit their request to shift to in-person learning through the form below for the April expansion.

You can read additional information including the detailed written DESE guidance here.

Mask Up! Fit, Filtration, Wearability
We must continue to do our part and Mask Up! Masks help prevent spread of the coronavirus by filtering out respiratory droplets— tiny drops of liquid that enter the air when you cough, talk, sing, or breathe. These droplets can contain viruses that could infect people near you. Three factors should be considered when choosing the right mask for you or your child. See our full mask guidance here >>
Mask Guide
Upcoming Meetings & Events
March 16 | 6PM: School Committee, Regular Meeting
March 18 | 6PM: School Committee, Special Meeting: Presentation of the FY 22 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget
March 24 | 6PM: COVID Conversations on Safety and Health Protocols, for families from Cambridgeport, Fletcher Maynard Academy, Kennedy Longfellow, and Cambridge Street Upper School
May 19 | 10AM - 2PM: Together We RISE, A Virtual Conference for Allston, Brighton, and Cambridge High School Sophomores & Juniors, sponsored by the Harvard Ed Portal and the Harvard Public School Partnerships team. CRLS alum, Mohammed Uddin, CRLS ‘15, UMass Boston BA ‘19, MPA ‘20, will be a featured guest speaker.

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