Dear CPS Community,
We are taking next steps to provide families with additional options for safe in-person learning opportunities as part of our Second Semester Plan. In order for schools to plan, we need to hear from every family on whether you prefer in-person or remote learning for each of your student(s). All families may choose to continue remote learning for their child.

Below you’ll find a summary of the options for families, key dates, and answers to some common questions. See below for more details.

- HSEP will maintain its current operational model due to its success and student/family preferences.
- JK-12 substantially separate special education programs and Sheltered English Immersion programs will continue with in-person learning four days per week for families who have made that choice.
The School Committee will continue its discussion of this plan on Tuesday, January 12 at 7pm. In the meantime, it is very important for families to submit their preferences for schools to continue their planning. Additional details on the in-person models and schedules will be shared as these plans are further developed based on enrollment and staffing information. We acknowledge both the strong desire for in-person learning opportunities and the tremendous work it will take our educators and administrators to support the transition to expanded in-person learning opportunities.
A couple of reminders about upcoming schedules:
- January 18: Schools closed, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- January 25: Families will be notified of their students’ enrollment status and assignments. In-person families will receive additional information to plan for the return to in-person learning.
- February 8: Earliest start to in-person learning.
Thank you again to all CPS families, students, and staff for working together during this challenging school year.
Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.
Key Questions:
- What do I need to do? Log-in to the CPS Family Portal. Log in using the primary parent email address on file with the school. If you have trouble logging in, contact your school.
- Can I change my mind later? To support school’s planning, families must make an initial commitment to in-person or remote learning by January 15. Once student enrollment and classroom assignments are finalized, families/ caregivers may request a change to a student’s instruction mode (in-person or remote learning) through the existing COVID-19 Hardship Appeal process.
- Will my child’s teacher change? Once CPS has final information about families’ preferences and staffing information, schools will develop schedules and classroom assignments.
- What does the day look like for upper schools students on days they are not in school? Students will participate in remote learning on their remote days. Schools will provide more detailed schedules once classroom assignments are finalized.
- When will we know if my child has been provided an in-person seat? Families will be notified of their students’ enrollment status and assignments by January 25. In-person families will receive additional information to plan for the return to in-person learning.
- What are the criteria for students to be in-person?
- Preschool - Grade 1: All students are eligible for in-person learning, based on available classroom space.
- Grades 2 - 5: Students will be prioritized for in-person learning spots based on these criteria and enrollment will be based on available classroom space.
- Grades 6 - 8: All students are eligible for in-person learning, as part of an A/B cohort, based on available classroom space. In-person learners will be in the building either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday, and dismissed at lunch. Remote learning will take place on afternoons and remote days.
- CRLS: All 9th graders and those 10th, 11th and 12th graders in Academic Tier 2 & 3 (based on course grades) are eligible for in-person learning, four days per week, in two cohorts that will rotate in-person learning every other week. CRLS families will be notified by the CRLS team after January 15 about their students’ Academic Tier status and eligibility for in-person learning.
- HSEP will maintain its current operational model due to its success and student/family preferences.
- JK-12 students enrolled in substantially separate special education programs: Students will continue to be eligible for in-person learning four days per week.
- JK-12 students enrolled in Sheltered English Immersion programs: Students will continue to be eligible for in-person learning four days per week.
- What is the social distancing threshold? CPS will implement social distancing protocols in alignment with state guidance and the Schools and the Path to Zero: Strategies for Pandemic Resilience in the Face of High Community Spread framework. For grades JK-5, this will include 3 feet distancing in classrooms and 6 feet at mealtimes, and 6 feet distancing in grades 6 - 12.
- What information will be used to quarantine students, classrooms, or schools? CPS works closely with the Cambridge Public Health Department to review public health data and CPS data to make dynamic determinations about individual, school, and district quarantine needs.
- How will students and staff in-person (at school) stay safe and healthy? CPS has adopted the “Schools and the Path to Zero” framework, and has put in place a range of Safety and Health protocols to minimize exposure and transmission of COVID-19. See the Safety, Health, and Facilities manual for details. A few highlights:
- Room setups and protocols at pre-school-grade 5 to support 3 foot distancing; at grades 6-12 to support 6 foot distancing.
- All staff and students required to wear masks.
- Voluntary, free, biweekly COVID testing for all in-person staff. Plans for weekly student surveillance testing for grades 6-12 are being developed.Testing for symptomatic students and staff in CPS buildings. Additional health aides for every school.
- Newly installed hand sanitizer stations, extra sinks, and portable hand washing stations
- Improved ventilation systems in all schools, supported by box fans, air scrubbers with HEPA filters, and CO2 meters.
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting plans for every school include daily cleaning of all classrooms plus cleaning of high touch areas and equipment throughout the day.
- Electrostatic sprayers for each building and disinfectant supplies for every classroom
- Designated “Get Well” rooms in each building for students who demonstrate symptoms during the day.