School Committee Meeting Agenda: October 6, 2020

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting October 6, 2020


1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
May 14, 2020 Special Meeting
May 19, 2020 Regular Meeting
August 4, 2020 Regular (summer) Meeting
August 20, 2020 Special Meeting
September 3, 2020 Special Meeting
September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting

4. Reconsiderations: None

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar: None

6. Awaiting Reports: None

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Presentations:
COVID-19 Response Update…...Dr. Kenneth Salim, Superintendent of Schools

7b. CPS District Plan: None

7c. Consent Agenda:
20-240 Ratification of Vote Taken in Executive Session on September 29, 2020

20-241 Approval of Revisions to the Draft SY2020-2021 Cambridge Public Schools District Calendar For Full Remote Learning For PreK-Grade12 on November 3, 2020-Election Day & the Observance Of Juneteenth-June 19th

20-242 Day & Residential Program Services not Available From the Cambridge Public Schools

20-243 Contract Award: Sunbelt Rentals: Equipment Rental

20-244 Contract Award: Stoneham Motor Company: Facilities Management Vehicle

20-245 Contract Award: Displays by Garo: Desk Shields

20-246 Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts

20-247 Grant Award: FY21 Special Education Early Childhood Allocation (SC21607)
8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#20-248 Late Order from the floor from Mayor Siddiqui, Member Fantini and Member Rachel
Whereas equity and access are top priorities for the Cambridge Public Schools and the Cambridge School Committee; and
Whereas crucial discussions around school reopening are happening in subcommittee meetings, and
Whereas it is integral that all Cambridge Public School scholars, families and staff can easily access this information; and
Whereas the School Committee amended the rules to record and post subcommittee meetings online this spring; and
Whereas public participation in subcommittee meetings has reached an all-time high;
Therefore, be it
Resolved that the rules are amended to allow subcommittee meetings to be live-streamed on Cambridge Educational Access TV Channel 99 (second reading).

#20-249 Motion by the Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee
That the attached COVID 19 Safety and Facilities Manual, developed by the Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee be adopted for implementation by the School Committee. The document will be a living document during the life of the pandemic and the School Committee will be informed of any changes to the document.

#20-250 Joint Motion by Member Rachel, Member Wilson & Member Rojas
Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools are dedicated to culturally responsive education, to dismantling structures of white privilege, and to becoming an actively anti-racist district; and
Whereas Cambridge Public School Equal Employment Opportunity policy commits the district to making, “all reasonable efforts to ensure an environment free of discrimination or harassment on account of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or pregnancy-related condition and encourage all members of our community to support and foster the acceptance and inclusion of all individuals;” and
Whereas elected School Committee Members share the district’s values and believe that our silence when there is harm in our school community can be experienced as complicity; now therefore be it
Resolved that the Governance Subcommittee bring to the Committee of the Whole for consideration a policy on how the Committee will address harm by Members to one or more of the groups listed in our Equal Employment Opportunity policy by November 15, 2020. 

#20-251 Joint Motion by Member Wilson, Member Rachel and Member Fantini
Whereas the Cambridge Public School District’s remote learning has been in session since September 16, 2020, and;
Whereas CPS is working towards opening our schools to our youngest and most vulnerable learners on October 13, 2020, and;
Whereas educators and administrators report working harder than they have ever in their careers, and it is critical that policy makers and the public understand what is working well and what changes would be helpful; and;
Whereas we value the leadership and expertise of all members within our school buildings, and;
Whereas transparency and accountability is extremely important to building a community, now therefore be it;
Resolved that a special roundtable meeting to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this exceptional year with all elementary school principals be called by October 23, 2020.

#20-252 Joint Motion by Vice Chair Bowman and Member Fantini
Be it resolved that the school Committee work in collaboration with the Cambridge Health Alliance to provide Flu clinics at designated CPSD school facilities.

#20-253 Motion by Vice Chair Bowman
Whereas the Cambridge Public School District is planning for in-person learning on Oct 13, 2020, and
Whereas many CPSD facilities will need to provide more natural air into the buildings by adjusting windows according to recommendations in the COVID-19 Safety & Facilities Manual; and
Whereas ensuring the physical safety of our students is of great importance as we adjust to the new reality of COVID -19; therefore be it
Resolved that the administration limit access to CPSD playground areas to only student and childcare providers during school hours; and be it further resolved;
That the CPSD administration works with the city to explore the feasibility of designating space in city parks for educational purposes during school hours.

#20-254 Approval of Invoice for $4,165.00 from the National School Board Association (NSBA) for 2020-2021 annual dues.
10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):
#20-255 Joint Resolution by Mayor Siddiqui, Member Rachel, and Member Wilson
Standing in Solidarity with Asian Americans
WHEREAS: Anti-racism is a key priority and value of the Cambridge Public Schools, Cambridge School Committee, and the City of Cambridge; and
WHEREAS: Twelve percent of the scholars and families in Cambridge Public Schools identify as Asian and Pacific Islander; and
WHEREAS: Two of our elementary schools focus on Mandarin language and Chinese culture; and
WHEREAS: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a flood of anti-Asian racism in the United States, ranging from derogatory slurs, to blaming the outbreak on Chinese people, to violent physical attacks; and
WHEREAS: On September 21, 2020, a coalition of Asian American students submitted an open letter to school educators and superintendents in Boston, Malden and Quincy urging them to address the surge of anti-Asian racism that followed the COVID-19 outbreak; and
WHEREAS: Since the beginning of the pandemic, Stop AAPI Hate has recorded about 2,500 incidents of anti-Asian discrimination across the United States, with 61 such incidents in Massachusetts; and
WHEREAS: Stop AAPI Hate released a report that looks at 341 incidents reported by youth, with 24 involving physical assault. In 56% of these cases, perpetrators employed anti-Chinese hate speech, including blaming China and Chinese as the source of the virus and mocking Chinese dietary habits; and
WHEREAS: As our students return to school, it is important to protect and keep our students safe from racist attacks; now therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the School Committee and Superintendent go on record supporting the high school students’ open letter requesting leadership to protect Asian American students from this onslaught of racial bullying and abuse; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the School Committee and Superintendent go on record supporting and protecting Asian American students from any acts of anti-racism in the Cambridge Public School system.
11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers: None

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