School Committee Meeting Agenda: September 3, 2020

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Special Meeting September 3, 2020


1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
May 12, 2020 Special Meeting
August 6, 2020 Special Meeting

4. Reconsiderations: None

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar: None

6. Awaiting Reports:
#20-95 Joint Motion by Member Rachel, Member Weinstein, and Member Wilson
WHEREAS, the Cambridge Public Schools prioritize the health and safety of scholars, staff and school
communities, and;
Section 4.2 of Chapter II of the Rules of the School Committee shall be amended by striking “State
Legislature” and inserting State Delegation in its place of this section:
Resolved that, the Cambridge School Committee joins the City Council in supporting H. 4737, “An Act
ensuring safe and participatory 2020 state elections in response to COVID-19,” and will send a copy of
this motion to the State Delegation and Governor Baker, and be it further;
Section 4.2 of Chapter II of the Rules of the School Committee shall be amended by striking “Cambridge
Election Commission, Cambridge Public Health Department and Superintendent Salim” and inserting
Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee in its place of this section:
Resolved that, the School Committee requests a recommendation from the Buildings and Grounds
Sub Committee by June 30, 2020 in regards to closing school buildings to scholars and staff on election
days in 2020 and 2021 and any other viable options in order to ensure that voters who choose to exercise
their right to vote in person are able to physically distance from school communities.

#20-99 Joint Motion by Member Fantini and Vice-Chair Bowman
Be referred to the Communications and Community Relations Sub-Committee for review
WHEREAS, the Cambridge Public School District is committed to providing families with information that
will promote increased family engagement; and
WHEREAS, engaging families as a partner with a formal, ongoing feedback mechanism that creates
differentiated opportunities for family voice and engagement is a crucial component of the 2017 - 2020
District Plan; therefore
Be it resolved that the Committee directs the Superintendent to create a Parent University whereby the
school department organizes and provides relevant information/courses to parents to allow all parents to
become partners in the education of their children.
Be it further resolved that the school department works with the two newly created parent engagement
leaders and parent liaisons in this work.

#20-143 Joint Motion by Member Wilson and Vice-Chair Bowman
Be referred to the Governance (1st Resolved) and Curriculum & Achievement (2nd Resolved) Sub-Committees
Whereas, People of Color face greater discrimination, structural discipline, lack of social support both in
schools and in society at large; and
Whereas, children, adolescents, and adults in the Black community face higher rates of social and
structural violence and racial discrimination, and
Whereas , centering the experiences of scholars and staff of color is a core value of the Cambridge Public Schools; and
Whereas, scholars and staff’s mental well-being is a fundamental concern of the School Committee as
the nation grapples with issues of structural racism in public institutions due to the unjust killing of George
Floyd; therefore be it
Resolved, that the School Committee affirms its immediate support to promote the needs and safety of
all staff and scholars who identify as black by reviewing the Non-Discrimination and Non-Tolerance of
Hate Crimes policy or other policies that disproportionally impact scholars and staff of color to ensure they
are current, relevant, and up to date; and be it further
Resolved, that the School Committee, encourage the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education to enhance programming to provide schools with the guidance needed to provide
anti-racist curriculum and professional development for all staff to build understanding and awareness of
the history and the challenges of minority communities, and of structural racism in the United States; and
be it further
Resolved, that the Cambridge Public Schools commit to holding our district accountable to policies that
protect the rights of black staff and scholars within our district.
7. Superintendent’s Agenda:
7a. Presentations:
CRLS Athletic Participation………Tom Arria, Director of Athletics

7b. CPS District Plan: None

7c. Consent Agenda:

20-218 Recommendation: Approval of CRLS Sports Participation Schedule Proposal School Year 2020-2021

20-219 Recommendation: Approval of Revisions to Inoculations of Students Policy (First Reading)

20-220 Recommendation: Contract Award: Center for Autism & Related Disorders Inc. (Increase): Special Education Services

20-221 Recommendation: Contract Award: Bain Pest Control: FY21 Pest Management Services
8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. Announcements:
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