Fall Planning Update from Superintendent: July 6, 2020

Fall Planning Update from Superintendent: July 6, 2020
Posted on 07/06/2020
Dear CPS Families,

I hope you and your family are finding ways to enjoy this unusual summer. I know there are so many questions about the future, including what school will look like this fall for your children. Each week this summer, we’ll share an update on our Fall planning. And later this summer, we’ll host additional opportunities to engage, including through Town Halls and Virtual Information Sessions. We’ll also share updates on our Fall planning website and through social media. In the meantime, send any questions to [email protected].

In this Update:

1. Update: Fall 2020 Planning
2. Heads Up: Family Survey of Fall Reopening Options
3. Provide Feedback: Draft Safety & Facilities Procedure Manual
4. Update - Taskforce & Working Groups:
5. Reminder: Summer Opportunities on Find It Cambridge

  1. Update: Fall 2020 Planning: No decisions have been made yet about the reopening plan. CPS is considering several options for the return to school in the fall. The state requires that we develop three plans: 1) fully in-person (at school), 2) a hybrid plan, with a mix of in-person (at school) and remote learning (at home), and 3) a fully remote (at home) plan. Last week, we shared an update with the School Committee outlining these options.

  2. Heads Up: Family Survey of Fall Reopening Options: Throughout the summer, CPS will be surveying CPS families and staff to understand what families are currently thinking based on what is currently known about public health conditions. Tomorrow, CPS families will receive a short survey asking your feedback about potential options for the return to school.

  3. Provide Feedback: Draft Safety & Facilities Procedure Manual: As part of planning for potential “fully in-person” or “hybrid models,” CPS has been working to develop safety protocols and procedures. A draft Safety and Facilities procedure manual has been posted on the CPS website along with a feedback form to capture your questions and comments. CPS is prepared to continually update this draft manual as new information and updated state guidance become available and to incorporate relevant feedback from the Safety & Facilities Working Group and the School Committee Building and Grounds Subcommittee before coming to the full School Committee for approval.

  4. Update - Taskforce & Working Groups: CPS has launched a COVID-19 Taskforce and several working groups with families, staff, and students to develop plans and resources for next school year. We are pleased to launch these inclusive planning teams which will greatly benefit from multiple perspectives. You can find information about the Taskforce members and meetings here. Later this week, information about the Student Taskforce and Working Groups will be added to this page.

  5. Reminder: Summer Opportunities on Find It Cambridge: There are many summer programs available throughout Cambridge. Check out opportunities for Elementary age students and Middle school students. To find other opportunities, go to www.finditcambridge.org/Summer2020, call/text 617.686.2998, or email [email protected]. Programs are continuing to update their opportunities based on the recent state guidelines, so check back often!


Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.
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