School Committee Agenda: May 5, 2020

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting May 5, 2020



Public Comment (3 Minutes):

Student School Committee Report:

Presentation of the Records for Approval:

  1. Special Education and Student Support Subcommittee minutes - April 17, 2020
  2. Curriculum and Achievement Subcommittee minutes - April 17, 2020

Reconsiderations: None

Unfinished Business/Calendar: None

Awaiting Reports: None

Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Presentations: COVID-19 Response Update…………Superintendent Salim

7b. CPS District Plan: None

7c. Consent Agenda:

#20-46 Recommendation: Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Recommended Budget

#20-47 Recommendation: Approval of the Agreement between the Cambridge School Committee & The Cambridge Education Association, Unit C Regarding CEA Grievance C-01-19-20 & Massachusetts Department of Labor Charge Number MUP-19-7554

#20-48 Recommendation: Approval of Agreement between the Cambridge Food Service Association and the Cambridge School Committee During the 2019-2020 School Year Closures Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

#20-49 Recommendation: Contract Award: Gene Thompson-Grove: Professional Development

#20-50 Recommendation: Contract Award: Lesley University: Professional Development

#20-51 Recommendation: Contract Award: Allied Waste Services: FY21 Dumpster Services

#20-52 Recommendation: Contract Award: Casey EMI: FY21 Custodial Supplies

#20-53 Recommendation: Contract Award: Filter Sales & Service: FY21 HVAC Supplies

#20-54 Recommendation: Contract Award: F. W. Webb: FY21 HVAC Supplies

#20-55 Recommendation: Contract Award: Home Depot: FY21 Carpentry & Maintenance Supplies

#20-56 Recommendation: Contract Award: Metropolitan Pipe: FY21 Plumbing Supplies

#20-57 Recommendation: Contract Award: New England School Services: FY21 Doors & Supplies

#20-58 Recommendation: Contract Award: Next Gen Supply Group: FY21 Custodial Supplies

#20-59 Recommendation: Contract Award: NorthEast Electrical Distributors: FY21 Electrical Supplies

#20-60 Recommendation: Contract Award: Pasek: FY21 Locks, Keys & Hardware

#20-61 Recommendation: Contract Award: WW Grainger: FY21 Facilities Equipment & Supplies

#20-62 Recommendation: Contract Award: PJ Systems d/b/a HiQ

#20-63 Recommendation: Contract Award: Eastern Bus Company: School Transportation Services

#20-64 Recommendation: Contract Award: S.P. & R./NRT: Special Education School Transportation Services

#20-65 Recommendation: Contract Award: S.P. & R./NRT: School Transportation Services, McKinney-Vento/Homeless

#20-66 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY20 Title III English Language Acquisition: Immigrant Grant (SC20126)

#20-67 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY20 Financial Literacy (SC20164) Amendment

Non-Consent Agenda:

School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):

#20-68 Vice-Chair Manikka Bowman
In collaboration with Member Sophie Green and Member Hersh Kanner

Whereas the COVID-19 quarantine guidelines prevent gatherings of more than six people and recommend social distancing; and

Whereas a high school graduation ceremony involves more than six people; and

Whereas for these reasons, the graduation ceremony for the class of 2020 has been canceled; and

Whereas the school committee seeks to find an alternative method of celebrating the hard work and achievements of the graduating class of 2020; therefore be it

Resolved that the superintendent work with Cambridge Rindge and Latin leadership and students to hold a virtual graduation ceremony; be it further

Resolved that the Cambridge Public School District considers resuming the traditional graduation ceremony during the summer of 2020 if Covid-19 quarantine guidelines are lifted for larger public gatherings.

#20-69 Joint Motion
Member Fred Fantini
Vice-Chair Manikka Bowman

Whereas School Improvement Councils (SIC) are designed to be a “representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, and community members at the secondary level, and students are required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C”; and

Whereas SIC requires equity in representation by emphasizing that "school councils should be broadly representative of the racial and ethnic diversity of the school building and the community.” Schools are responsible for ensuring outreach and opportunities for participation of all racial and ethnic groups in the council; and

Whereas CPSD clearly states in our definition of equity and racial equity that “CPSD is committed to dismantling structures rooted in white privilege, to hearing and elevating underrepresented voices, and recognizing and eliminating bias.” Now, therefore be it,

Resolved that the Superintendent ensures that all SIC are being operated in accordance with the intent of the Educational Act of 1993 and follow guidelines as established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Be it further;

Resolved that CPSD recognize that SICs are places where parents of diverse backgrounds, schoolteachers, and community members can participate in the governance of a school, helping develop School Improvement Plans, establish goals, discuss how school improvement funds are used, participate in hiring functions, establish subcommittee for important functions and much more. Further, providing necessary training to leaders of all schools indicating the importance of SIC as a governing body. Ensuring that quorums are present at meetings, that minutes are taken and published, that meetings are held at times convenient for everyone, and meetings have diversity in representation and attendance. Be it Further;

Resolved that the school committee vote to approve all SIC plans.

#20-70 Joint Motion
Vice-Chair Manikka Bowman
Member Fred Fantini

Whereas, on March 10, 2020, Governor Charles D. Baker declared a state of emergency due to the outbreak of the 2019 Coronavirus ("COVID- 19"); and

Whereas the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020; and

Whereas on April 21, 2020, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the extension of School and Non-Emergency Child Care Program Closures until June 29, 2020, in response to COVID-19; eliminating the chances of schools resuming operation in facilities across the commonwealth and expanding remote learning until the end of the 2020 school year, and

Whereas the Cambridge Public School District is committed to resuming educational instruction in school facilities for the 2020/21 school year that will follow guidelines from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure the safety of students, staff, and families; and

Whereas COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges for the global and local economy and resuming, "business as usual," is highly unlikely until medical professionals develop a vaccine or medication that mitigates the impact of the virus; and

Whereas the City of Cambridge is home to some of the most dynamic institutions and thought leaders in the world; including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lesley University, Harvard University, and the National Bureau of Economic Research; and

Whereas because of the unknown externalities associated with managing the COVID-19 crisis until medical interventions are available to contain the disease, COVID-19 will create significant challenges for CPSD, now, therefore be it

Resolved that the Superintendent convene a COVID-19 Recovery Task Force comprised of local thought leaders and community members to support CPSD as it works to ensure an academic environment that will assist students in addressing learning loss due to the pandemic as well as providing staff, students and families a safe learning environment that mitigates the impact of COVID-19 until a vaccine or other medications are developed to treat the virus.

#20-71 Joint Motion
Member Rachel, Member Wilson and Mayor Siddiqui

Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has upended school, work, and family routines for everyone, and;

Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools have done an impressive job distributing food and technology to address opportunity gaps, and;

Whereas physical safety and mental health are both human rights as well as prerequisites for academic learning, and;

Whereas establishing stronger relationships between educators and students and their families now will (1) help CPSD better understand how to support students and families during COVID-19, (2) address one of the identified barriers to racial equity in our schools, and (3) contribute to long-lasting school-home collaboration and higher academic achievement when our schools settle into new routines, now therefore be it

Resolved that the Cambridge Public Schools will ensure that every student has an individual, non-academic check-in with a school staff member in real time at least once per week, that staff will inquire about basic and social emotional supports needed as well as how students are feeling about their learning, that schools will report weekly to the Superintendent on the number of students they have not been able to reach, and that the Superintendent will share this data with the School Committee weekly.

Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):

Announcements: There will be a Special Meeting of the School Committee to engage with the community in a conversation about the COVID-19 plan. This meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2020 at 6:00pm and will receive public comment.

Late Orders:

Communications and Reports from City Officers: None

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