School Committee Meeting Agenda: October 1, 2019

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting October 1, 2019


1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:

  • Retreat on Strategic Outcomes, September 10, 2019
  • Regular Meeting, September 17, 2019

4. Reconsiderations: None

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar:

C19-272 Motion #19-236 by Committee Member Dexter that the following be placed on the Calendar:
That whereas the School Committee has expressed concern about the Cambridge Public Schools practice of suspending students in grades PreK-2, a practice abolished in some other districts, the Committee requests data from the Administration from the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years on the total number of PreK-2nd grade students who were suspended one or more times in either or both of these years, with, if possible, specification of the number of these suspended PreK-2nd grade students who were African American/Black or Latino boys. This data is requested by October 15, 2019.
(9-17-19 Dexter)

C19-273 Motion #19-237 by Committee Member Dexter, that the following be placed on the Calendar:
That whereas the School Committee has expressed ongoing concern about the CRLS practices of reducing grades for high school students who are frequently absent or tardy without accepted excuses (Attendance Violations), the School Committee requests data from the Administration from the first and second semesters of 2018-2019 on the total number of students whose grades were reduced due to Attendance Violations, as well as these grade reduction frequencies disaggregated by gender, race, income, ELL status, and disability status. This data is requested before October 15, 2019. The School Committee further requests that, going forward, this data be provided to the School Committee after each semester of the 2019-2020 school year, in order for the School Committee to evaluate the effect of the new Attendance Violation policy. (9-17-19 Dexter)

C19-274 Motion #19-238 by Mr. Kimbrough, that the following be placed on the Calendar:
Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools has created the strategic objective of creating stronger relationships with community partners and creating a more culturally competent workforce;

Be it resolved that the Cambridge Public Schools will work with DHSP and other non-profit organizations that the district gives financial assistance to create a policy where participation can lead to earning high school credit; and
Further, that the high school will look to create an after-school focus group around race and equity in which CRLS students and teachers can earn credit towards graduation and professional development points (PDP’s) with the desire to begin both opportunities beginning in the 20-21 school year.
(9-17-19 Fantini)

6. Awaiting Reports:

#19-205, Joint Motion by Ms. Nolan, Vice Chair Kelly and Mr. Fantini
That whereas the district has a commitment to all learners; and
Whereas the position of lead teacher for advanced learners has not had stable leadership for some time; and
Whereas the district has been reviewing protocols to address advanced learners needs; and
Whereas at times circumstances are such that students’ needs cannot be met in a classroom;
That the School Committee request, before the next school year begins, a report on recruitment efforts for the position, on supports for learners, including existing statistics on existing plans, and future updates to procedures, policies and protocols, including changing the existing system of relying on parents and guardians to identify students, which is inherently inequitable, and to ensure transparency and clarity, and under what circumstances a student may advance a grade.

C19-210 That the following be adopted as amended:
Due to legislation passed by the State Legislature that requests early screenings of students to identify if they have dyslexia,
That the Superintendent take appropriate steps to ensure that students are screened and that students who are identified receive appropriate and timely supports and that training and support for teachers is in place. Superintendent will report back on how the district will comply with the present law by the Regular meeting in November.

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Presentations: District Plan Update: Social Emotional Learning & Student Climate Survey: Alice Cohen, Lead Teacher for Social Emotional Learning, Jennifer Amigone,
Director of Research, Assessment & Evaluation, Dr. Carolyn L. Turk,
Deputy Superintendent

7b. CPS District Plan:

7c. Consent Agenda:

19-241 Approval of Agreement between the Cambridge School Committee &
The Cambridge Food Service Employee Association Regarding Clarification of
Calculation for the Increase in the Hourly Wage for the Head Of Kitchen-Cook/CRLS Station Lead

19-242 Approval of Agreement between the Cambridge School Committee &
The Cambridge Educations Association Units A & B & Unit E Regarding
Graham & Parks Alternative School Silica Issue

19-243 Day & Residential Services not Available from the Cambridge School Department

19-244 Contract Award: Cambridge Public Health: Nursing Services

19-245 Contract Award: Applied Behavioral Counseling: Special Education Services

19-246 Contract Award: Youth Guidance: Educational Support

19-247 Contract Award: Signet Education, L.L.C.: Educational Services

19-248 Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts

19-249 Grant Award: Fy20 Special Education Early Childhood Allocation (SC20607)

19-250 Grant Award: Fy20 Circuit Breaker Allocation (SC20776)

8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):

#19-251 Motion by Mayor Marc C. McGovern
, that the School Committee may consider the adoption of a proposed contract for Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Salim.

#19-252 Motion by Mr. Fantini, that the School Committee go on record as opposing the granting of a recreational cannabis dispensary at 966 Cambridge Street because of its proximity to the King Open Complex, numerous preschools and the Frisoli Youth Center. There is also significant neighborhood opposition.

#19-253 Motion by Ms. Nolan, That whereas summer learning and encouragement to read throughout the summer break is an important value and an effective way to prevent summer learning loss and;
Whereas the School Committee endorses high expectations and standards for all students and;
Whereas the expectations for the summer of 2019 for upper school students were higher than for high school students, the School Committee requests a report on summer reading expectations with a plan to ensure higher expectations for all high school students before next summer, 2020.

#19-254 September 12, 2019 Communication Sub-Committee Report

10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence): None

11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers:

The School Committee may convene in Executive Session during the Regular Meeting to entertain a motion for the purpose of contract negotiations with non-union personnel (Superintendent of Schools). Votes may be taken in Executive Session and the School Committee will reconvene in Open Session after the Executive Session adjourns.

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