School Committee Meeting Agenda: March 5, 2019

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

School Committee - Regular Meeting - March 5, 2019


1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:

• Roundtable on Equity and Access, January 22, 2019
• Special Meeting, Budget Workshop, January 29, 2019
• Regular Meeting, February 5, 2019

4. Reconsiderations:

By Ms. Patricia Nolan, of the vote taken at the Regular Meeting of February 5, 2019 which adopted the following motion: VOTED: That the School Committee authorize the Superintendent to mail to all eight grade families the attached brochure that is used by our SOLVED partner, the Medford Vocational Technical High, subject to any revisions the Superintendent deems necessary.

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar: None

6. Awaiting Reports:

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:
7a. Presentations:
Improving School Schedules to Advance Equity Update on Proposal 
………… Dr. Kenneth N. Salim, Superintendent of Schools

7b. CPS District Plan:

7c. Consent Agenda:

#19-31 Approval of Proposal to Improve School Schedules To Advance Equity (Second Reading)

#19-32 Day & Residential Program Services not Available from The Cambridge School Department

#19-33 Contract Award: Cross Cultural Communication: Written Translation Services

#19-34 Contract Award: Snap-On Industrial, a Division of IDSC Holding LLC: Instructional Equipment

#19-35 Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts

#19-36 Grant Award: History & Social Science Instruction (SC19157)
8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#19-37, Motion by Ms. Nolan, whereas the School Committee recently passed a Homework Policy based on work by the CRLS Student Government and staff, the School Committee asks the Superintendent for a recommendation on revisions to the existing K-8 Homework Policy based on current best practice on homework, including a clarification of purpose and a review of appropriate expectations for time by grade; and
Further, that the review process include students from the Upper Schools and the High School, as well as Teachers and Principals; and
Further that the review include consideration of any appropriate elements from the recently passed High School Homework Policy. 

#19-38, Motion by Committee Member Dexter, that whereas some Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) students with disabilities are transported to and from CPS schools via a different bus company from the company that transports the majority of CPS students, with a separate contract specifying service details; and
Whereas students with disabilities have some unique needs, such as related to the training that drivers are required to have, the importance of continuity of services and personnel, and parent-driver and parent-CPS communication about transportation issues; and
Whereas parents of students with disabilities have little opportunity to talk with the School Committee about transportation issues;
The School Committee directs the Building and Grounds Sub-Committee to hold a Sub-Committee meeting for the purpose of discussing transportation of students with disabilities attending Cambridge Public Schools, with ample notice to parents of students with disabilities. This Sub-Committee meeting will be held no later than May 1, 2019.

#19-39, Motion by Committee Member Dexter, that whereas Cambridge Public Schools values a collaborative relationship between CPS schools and Cambridge's Out of School Time (OST) Programs in order to ensure continuous and appropriate learning throughout the day for the many CPS students attending afterschool programs; and
Whereas the different ending times of CPS schools makes quality programming difficult for afterschool programs, resulting in lost OST learning opportunities for students;
The School Committee requests that the administration provide an estimate of the added transportation costs if all CPS elementary schools ended at the same time, and if all CPS Upper Schools ended at the same time. This estimate is requested by March 19, 2019.

#19-40, Motion by Mayor McGovern, Ms. Bowman and Mr. Fantini
Whereas: Cambridge Public Schools have created a strong framework to guide the work of the district; and 
Whereas: The framework has strategic objectives of equity and access, engaged learning, whole child, partnerships, and improvement; and
Whereas: As the School Committee and City Council through the unanimous adoption of a resolution on citywide commitment to family engagement acknowledge that “Children and teens thrive when policy makers, schools, and city and community organizations partner with families to actively support children’s learning, development, and well-being. It is our shared responsibility to engage each other in meaningful and culturally respectful ways. This effort is continuous across a child’s life from birth to adulthood and carried out everywhere they learn and grow;” and
Whereas: A wide variety of high-quality enrichment opportunities are available in Cambridge including City-sponsored as well as privately-funded programs. Collectively the groups that offer out of school enrichment programs are referred to as the Out of School Time community; and 
Whereas: Nurturing the CPSD partnerships with the Out of School Time (OST) community, serves to support CPSD strategic objectives and the city-wide commitment to family engagement; and 
Whereas: A successful model for uniting OST partners into a system that supports the connection of opportunities to CPSD students is available in the Agenda for Children OST Middle School Network (MSN); and
Whereas: A system such as the MSN is not currently in place at the Elementary School level; and 
Whereas: Children, families, and OST partners at the Elementary School level would benefit from the collaboration, connection, and program quality improvement support that a system like the MSN offers; now therefore be it
Resolved: That the Superintendent explore with the City Department of Human Service Programs the goal of creating a network of Out of School Time (OST) partners serving the Elementary School grades to ensure equitable access to enrichment opportunities for all CPSD students. 

#19-41, Motion by Mr. Fantini, that the School Committee establish a policy that pays all First Work students at minimum wage.

#19-42, Report of the January 29, 2019 Budget Sub-Committee (Committee of the Whole) Hearing

#19-43, Report of the January 30, 2019 Curriculum & Achievement Sub-Committee Meeting

#19-44, Report of the February 6, 2019 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

#19-45, Report of the February 14, 2019 Budget Public Hearing
10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):

#19-46, Motion by Mayor McGovern, that the School Committee offers its congratulations to Lance Dottin, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School alum, class of 1987, on his 400th win as the Boys Varsity Head Basketball Coach at CRLS. Under Lance’s leadership CRLS has won three Division 1 State Championships and is regarded as the prevailing dynasty in MIAA basketball. More important than the victories, however, is that Lance has been a mentor and role model, both on and off the court, to hundreds of young men in Cambridge and has helped to shape the lives of so many. Congratulations Coach Dottin on this achievement and for all of your hard work.

11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers:
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