CPS Student Wins National STEM Video Game Challenge

Ingrid Gustafson, Technology Integration Teacher and after school Scratch Club coordinator, would like to share that a student from the after school club has won the National STEM Video Game Challenge. Cooper designed a game that includes STEM concepts using the Scratch software. This is something we definitely want to bring to the Upper Schools!

Scratch is a free programming application developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. Kids absolutely love Scratch. The creator, Mitch Resnick, credits its easy adoption and widespread appeal to its "low floor and high ceiling." Anyone can get started programming within minutes, yet there are endless possibilities that keep the interest of advanced learners. It's a tool that can be integrated into any curriculum as a way for students to demonstrate their understanding and engage with content.

Ingrid is passionate about Scratch. In addition to the after school club at Baldwin, she has integrated it into her curriculum at both Baldwin and King Open, offered workshops to the math department, attended meetups and workshops at MIT, and is presenting at their annual conference this summer. She is already thinking about ways to use Scratch at the Cambridge Street and Putnam Ave Upper Schools where she will be working next year.

Learn More

Visit the Challenge Web Site
Watch the Winners' Video
Watch Cooper's Video

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