Title I Facts

Title I was originally enacted in 1965 as a corner-stone of President Johnson's "War on Poverty". In January, 2002, President Bush signed the "No Child Left Behind" Act. Title I is one of 10 titles covered by this latest version of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

In short, all students will achieve high academic standards; schools will be held accountable for annual growth and improvement and that parents have the right to transfer.

Title I teachers and staff work in the following Cambridge elementary schools: Cambridgeport, Fletcher Maynard Academy, Graham & Parks, Kennedy-Longfellow, King Open, Martin Luther King, Jr., Morse, and Peabody.

All Title I schools are school-wide projects. All students are eligible for services with the goal of upgrading the entire educational program. Schools must have a poverty threshold of 40%. In the above mentioned projects, both school and Title I administrators, teachers and staff decide the grades that Title I teachers will work with and the types of programs that Title I teachers and staff will provide.

Main components of Title I:

  1. additional instruction in the form of direct services to children
  2. support professional development for teachers in both ELA and Math;
  3. parent involvement and parent rights and responsibilities under No Child Left Behind. Parents play an important role in helping raise student achievement. Each Title I School has a parent involvement policy and a home school compact, to foster the home school collaboration.

For more information about this program speak to your school's Family Liaison or call the Title I Program at 617.349.6490.

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Contact Us

Title I Office 
Cambridge Public Schools
135 Berkshire Street 
Cambridge, MA 02141


Vacant, Coordinator

Xiomara Nunez, Family Liaison

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