Offering childcare is an important consideration in ensuring events and meetings are accessible for families. Childcare expenses must be paid out of the budget of the department or school that is organizing the event.
- The standard rate for childcare providers is $25/hour with a 2 hour minimum.
- CPS Employees who earn more than $25/hour are entitled to be paid at their hourly rate, and may be eligible to earn overtime.
- The budget account code for childcare services is 51202 (Temporary Salaries).
Child Wellbeing and Safety
Childcare providers must meet state requirements for working with children, including background checks.
The simplest way to meet these requirements is to hire CPS staff members.
It is also important to consider ways to keep children engaged and happy during your meeting or event. Considerations:
- Choose a location where children can have fun such as an afterschool room or gymnasium.
- Be sure to provide games, toys, coloring supplies, or equipment for showing a G-Rated movie.
- Provide a sign-in sheet so that providers meet parents/caregivers when they bring their children, and then recognize them when they return.
- If appropriate, add a column for parent/caregiver cellphone number -- so providers do not need to leave the room if a child becomes overly upset or needs their parent/caregiver.
- Name tags for the children can help new providers communicate with the children, but should be removed when the child leaves, for their safety. Tip: for younger children, put the name tag on their back!